The Other Flash

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When I did finally open my eyes though, I found myself in my room, lying in my bed as if nothing had happened. I sat up, stretched and glanced around.

"I'm so glad that was just a dream," I muttered to myself.

Jay came into my room, looking normal. "How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"You passed out just before I was about to tell you why I'd been acting so strange," he said, walking over to my bed, and feeling my forehead. "You hit your head pretty hard."

I almost freaked out when he touched me, but it had all seemed so much like a bad dream, so I relaxed again. "I-I had a bad dream, and I'm afraid that its real."

"Oh yeah?" He said, sitting down on the side of my bed. "And what was your dream?"

I told him all about how he'd told me that he was Zoom and that he was actually sick and he'd raised me in a lie just to take my speed away to heal himself and become faster.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "That's quite the dream, more like a nightmare."

"It was a nightmare," I said, and quickly wrapped my arms around him, and started crying. "I'm so glad it was just a dream... I thought that I'd lost you forever."

He hugged me tightly and gently stroked my hair. "I'll never let that happen."

I sniffled a few times and looked up into his handsome face.

"I am not Zoom," he smiled down at me as I smiled slightly back up at him. "And I never will be."

I hugged him again and he gave me a kiss before he stood. "I'd better get to work. Call me if you need anything, if you do... I'll be here in a flash."

I nodded and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I still had some suspicions, but every part of me didn't want to believe that he could actually be Zoom.

I got up and looked in my mirror. I felt every part of my head with my hands, but I had no bumps or bruises and nothing hurt. That meant that his story about me hitting my head was false. If I hit my head so hard that I passed out, there would be something

I felt sick at my stomach when I realized that he, my Jay, was probably Zoom, and he'd just made up that story to trick me.

I had to get to the other earth and help save the other Flash before it was too late. I couldn't even imagine what my life would be like without my powers and I didn't want that Flash to suffer.

But before I did any of that, I had to go to S.T.A.R. Labs and find out what he disliked about it so much.

I got my black jacket and shoes back on before zooming over to S.T.A.R. Labs. As I entered the building, I noticed two guys taking selfies by almost everything, and Dr. Harrison Wells kept glaring at them and telling them to stop.

I wondered what was going on, so I snuck up to a pillar, and peeked out behind it. A black man walked up to Wells, and when the two guys saw the man, they froze and looked afraid.

The black man shook Wells' hand, "Doctor Wells, I didn't expect to see you."

"Yes, I didn't tell anyone I was coming back," Wells replied and cleared his throat.

"Well, I thought you might've left town with all that's been happening," the black man replied.

"Right," Wells said nervously.

The black man glanced at the two guys. "Are your friends okay?"

"Yes, they're—they're fine, they're... excitable."

The black man cleared his throat awkwardly. "This is--," Wells began, but the black man cut him off.

"Henry Hewitt. Lab assistant," he said, shaking the guys' hands. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"And, you. I'm Barry. This is Cisco," the taller guy with brown hair replied.

"I'm Cisco. And you are just a nice, normal guy," the shorter one with long black hair said hesitantly.

"Okay. Um...," Wells said, obviously feeling awkward.

"Doctor Wells, will you and your visitors be needing the conference room?" Henry wondered.

"Not necessary, Henry. Our visit will be short," Wells smiled. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you, sir," Henry smiled back as he began to walk away.

Once he was gone, Wells turned to Barry and Cisco with a look that said, "Seriously?"

"He's a bad guy on Earth-1," Cisco said.

"He looks just like him," Barry added with a nod.

Wells just sighed, and had Barry and Cisco follow him again. I used my powers to zoom around and keep from being seen by them as I followed them into Wells' office.

I had to find out what was going on, and who these people from Earth-1, or whatever, were doing here. I guessed that they were from the earth that Jay had gone to earlier.

I hid under the desk and saw them walking around as they listened to the news about some kind of curfew.

"It's worse. It's worse than when I left. Zoom's turned up his reign of terror," Wells said.

I quickly jumped out of my hiding place, scaring them all half to death. "And where exactly did you go?"

They looked at each other; their mouths wide open with surprise and confusion.

"Violet? Doppelganger...," I heard Cisco say under his breath and glance up at Barry who looked equally appalled.

"And who are you, might I ask?" Wells said, irritated.

"Rylie Garrick, Jay Garrick raised me," I said.

"Jay Garrick?" Barry said. "But, he's on our earth."

"I guess you don't know what that means," Cisco added.

"He told me he went to that earth and I just saw him about an hour ago," I told them. "What do you mean he's on your earth?"

"He's been stuck there because he lost his powers," Wells said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at me. "What you say is impossible."

I glared. "I know what I'm talking about. He hasn't lost his powers, and I saw him an hour ago."

They looked at each other. "You're just a child... how'd you even get up here?" Wells said.

I decided to trust them enough to show them my powers. I ran around them really fast.

"Your... your lightning is... purple?" Barry said. "How's that possible."

A sudden realization washed over me, confirming completely that Jay was Zoom. I nearly cried again, but I sucked it in. "You must be The Flash from the other earth," I said, and looked into Barry's eyes. "I'm here to save you from Jay."

"What?" He said.

"Jay is Zoom, he wants your speed," I said flatly, annoyed that they just couldn't seem to get it.

"That's impossible," Cisco said, looking at Wells then at Barry. "Isn't it?"

"If what you say is true, you've got a lot of explaining to do," Wells glared.

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