Gone Forever?

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Barry was ready to give up his speed.

Jay and I entered the room again, and I glanced at Wells, who only gave me a slight, intense look. I guessed that that meant he'd do it.

Caitlin came over, and I guessed that she was the distraction as Heather snuck over to me, and quietly slipped a little vial into my hand as she passed by. I quickly drank it while he wasn't looking, and I could feel it changing something inside of me. 

I walked up to Wells, who slipped a little metal thing into my hand without even looking at me as he pretended to finish getting everything set up.

Jay was still busy talking with Caitlin, so I put the metal thing on the back of my symbol, and quickly stuck it back on my suit, glancing back at Jay, who seemed to have not noticed anything that had just happened.

"We're ready," Wells announced angrily.

Jay smiled an annoyed smile. "Finally."

Everyone watched in silence as Barry began to run. I suddenly started to panic. How was I going to get rid of my speed if I couldn't run? I did the first thing that popped into my head.

I quickly went over to Jay. "Can I go for a run?"

"Why?" He asked and I could tell that he was suspicious.

"I can't watch this, please," I begged with pitiful eyes, knowing he couldn't say no to them.

"Fine, but make it quick. And you'd better come back."

I nodded, and zoomed out of there, running around the entire city, feeling the speed force draining out of my system. It actually hurt quite badly, and I was hardly able to continue to run, but I did it. Once it was completely gone, I fell to the ground, sweat trickling down my face. 

I was really close to S.T.A.R. Labs, and I couldn't let Jay know that I had gotten rid of my speed yet. I had to get him back to my earth, and tell Barry and his friends to close the portal again. At least this world could be safe.

I was almost too weak to stand, but I forced myself to get up, breathing heavily. I pulled the metal thing off of my symbol and looked at it. I almost regretted the decision I had made, because I remembered something Jay had explained to me when I was six.

He'd told me that once I was injected with the speed force, then it would last forever, only if I didn't let it get taken away, like I had just done. He said that once it was gone, that I couldn't get it back. 

I thought about all my friends here, and everyone on this earth, and smiled. I was sure I had done the right thing.

I weakly began to walk back to S.T.A.R. Labs.


Barry pretended that his speed was gone. He fell to the floor, and Iris rushed in to ask him if he was okay. He nodded, with a serious expression on his face.

Wells reluctantly handed my speed to Jay, who was smiling happily. He injected it into his arm. The power spread through his veins, and his eyes turned red for about half a minute, then it cleared. He was breathing heavily, but smiled. "Now, I am the fastest man alive."

He ran in and grabbed Barry by the neck, and held him up against the wall. Caitlin begged him to stop, and he did, but when I entered, everyone was silent.

"Rylie," Jay said, worry in his voice as he rushed to me. "What happened?"

My face was pale and sweat was still trickling down my face. I looked into his blue eyes, then collapsed into his arms. "Bring me home."

He didn't hesitate to pick me up, holding me bridal-style. I gave Wells a look that told him what he didn't want. Close the portals again, this time, for good.

He nodded slightly before Jay zoomed away with me. I began to cry as Jay ran through the portal again. I knew I'd never see my friends again, and I didn't know what Jay would do once he found out about what I'd done with my powers.

Once we made it back, Jay looked upset. "They closed the portal."

"Why does it matter?" I said weakly. "You got what you wanted. Now we can just be together forever."

He gently lied me down on an old bed he'd let me use while I'd been here, and he felt my forehead. "Your fever is down. How do you feel?"

I closed my eyes, a tear running down my face before smiling slightly, knowing my friends were safe. "I've never been better."

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now