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When Caroline noticed me, she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes were wide, and she was breathing heavily. I could tell that something had really scared her. I could feel the invisible force, even stronger than before. That meant that she had most likely just used her powers.

When she began to run away from me, I used my speed to put the dogs and hamster in my house and catch up to her. I had to grab her shoulders to stop her, but then realized my mistake.

Caroline fell to the ground as if some idea had hit her. "You're... you're," she stuttered, pointing a shaky finger at me. "You're A-Amethyst!"

"Quiet!" I nearly shouted, and quickly covered her mouth. I checked to make sure no one was looking before I zoomed us behind my house. "Caroline. What's happened?"

"You have powers?" Caroline was still shocked.

"Yeah, and so do you," I said flatly, trying to ignore the strange feeling in my stomach that was making me sick.

Her face turned red. "How do you know?"

"It's kind of easy for metas to spot other metas," I explained. "But I haven't told anyone about your powers except for Doctor Wells. We can trust him, Caroline. He might be able to help you control your powers."

Caroline had a glint of hope in her eyes, but then shook her head. "No, I'm a monster. Everyone will be safer without me around."

"No," I shook my head, then smiled when I realized something. "I know you healed all of those people, Caroline. You're not a monster at all."

"How do you know I did that?" She asked in surprise.

"You just seem like the type of person that would care enough to do that," I told her, then softened my voice. "I understand how you feel. When I was learning to use my powers, I was afraid, but I had a great teacher, and wonderful people to help me get through it. Now look at me. I'm a superhero. Isn't that what you want? To help people?"

Caroline seemed to believe that she was really a good person, but when she remembered something, all of that faded and she glared. "No. All my powers do is destroy. I nearly killed Cisco and his team."

"Wait... what?" I said. "You saw Cisco?"

Caroline's glare faded and she nodded slowly. "Yes. He came after me. They wanted to use my powers against you... I escaped using my powers, but, I hurt them."

Caroline burst into tears and she hid her head in her knees after plopping down onto the grass. I knelt next to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"You are not a monster, Caroline," I told her, then got sad, remembering poor Jay in the other timeline. "I knew someone who was very powerful once. He thought he was a monster, so he began to act like one, but his life had been horrible before that. You have a great family, and friends that want to help you. Please don't turn into that monster my friend had once feared."

Caroline sighed, and finally looked at me. "But... the police are looking for me, and Cisco is going to most likely try and kill me. My parents are probably frightened to death!"

"It'll all be okay, but first, I think you should change before Hunter sees us," I whispered. "We don't really want to explain all of this to him. Come on. You can use some of my clothes."

Once we found some clothes that fit her, because she was much smaller than me, we were ready to actually go find Hunter.

I was still feeling sick at my stomach, but it wasn't the type of sick that was awful. It wasn't pleasant, but it was also not horrible. When I had touched her, I felt the invisible force grow, but I didn't touch her long enough to find out how big it could get.

We found Hunter looking at all the burned things, with a look on his face that said, "We need more than just a hammer and nails to fix this."

"You okay, Hunter?" I asked as casually as possible as we entered the house.

He glanced at me, but then noticed Caroline and looked really surprised. "I thought you were leaving the hospital tomorrow?"

"Well, my parents are out... shopping, and I was actually released today... so, it's a surprise," Caroline said awkwardly.

"Who brought you home?"

"Well... Mr. Rochester," I quickly added. "Yeah, he got back with Caroline right when I went over to his house."

Hunter nodded slowly. I could tell that he didn't really believe what we just told him.

"Isn't that the shirt I got you for Christmas last year?" Hunter asked, looking at the shirt Caroline was wearing.

"No," I said, but it wasn't convincing. "She has the same one."

"Right...," Hunter said, eyeing us suspiciously.

Caroline shuffled her feet nervously under Hunter's stare. The invisible force was still strong, but I could feel it fading slightly.

"Well...," I said to make Hunter stop giving us that stare. "How far have you gotten on the house?"

"I haven't done much," he admitted. "There's honestly nothing much to do. We need to get some new, well, everything! It'll cost a lot, but I'm sure we can do it in time. Caroline, do you and your parents know where you're going to stay until the house is fixed?"

Caroline's eyes grew twice their size. She had no idea, and she didn't know what to do about Cisco, his team and her parents. She was still too afraid.

"She can stay with us," I suddenly said. "If that's okay with you."

Hunter hesitated, but then nodded. "Well, sure. Why not? I'll call your parents in a little while to come over and gather the rest of their things that are still good and move it into my house. Why don't you girls go play or something? I'm gonna go down to the hardware store and look for a few things."

This was a great opportunity for me to bring Caroline down to Dr. Wells. He could finally meet her, and we might be able to find out what the invisible force is, but I wasn't sure if she felt anything. I would have to ask.

"Okay, Caroline and I will go for a walk," I said. "Could we go downtown?"

"Just be careful, you can use the bikes if you'd like."

"It's all right, we need the exercise," I smiled slightly.

I grabbed Caroline's arm and made her leave the house before whispering, "I can run us there."

"I'm still surprised," Caroline whispered back. "But, I had a strange feeling that you had powers. I'm just glad you chose to use them for good, unlike Cisco."

"How do you know he has powers?"

"Like you said, it's easy for metas to spot other metas," Caroline replied. "I could just tell."

"Ready to go?" I wondered.

Caroline nodded slowly, so I got ready to run, then zoomed us all the way to S.T.A.R. Labs. Dr. Wells was in his office, making some kind of potion or something. That reminded me of the formula that changes the color of my speed. I wanted to have purple lightning like I used to. Hopefully it wouldn't confuse people too much, because right now, my speed was the same as Barry's from the other earth.

I still missed Barry, Caitlin, Heather and Cisco from that earth a lot, but I was glad that I could finally find happiness in this new timeline. I didn't want it any other way.

"What took you so long?" Dr. Wells asked without looking at us.

"You knew we'd come?" I asked.

"Well, after what I heard from the news about a car burning to liquid and Reverb and his team getting hurt, I knew Caroline would have run away," he answered. "I knew you'd find each other. I found out why your powers are drawn to each other."

Caroline and I looked at each other in surprise. "Wait, you felt it too?" She asked me.

I nodded slowly. "So... you did feel the strange power thing as well!" I said, slightly excited. I had been a little afraid that I was the only one.

Dr. Wells turned around and smiled at our expressions. "It all started when you two got your powers," he began.

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now