The Everton's

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I used to always think that my powers would be strong enough to defeat anyone or anything, but after what happened with Zoom in the other timeline, I knew for sure that I was wrong, and tonight, I would be proved wrong again.

"Are you almost ready?" I asked impatiently, pacing back and forth in front of Mr. Rochester and Wells, who were on Mr. Rochester's computer, planning out when to break into the jail.

I knew Mr. Rochester loved his brother and everything, but he was put in jail for a reason. I also knew that he wouldn't help us find Cisco if we didn't help him first. If I didn't have a strange feeling that Mr. Rochester might be a big part in stopping Cisco, I would have left by now to go find him myself, but I held back. He would come in handy, and I was sure it would be very soon.

"Yes, yes," Wells replied, annoyed. "Just give us a few more minutes."

"But we've been waiting for hours!" I complained. "Hunter is in danger! What if they're hurting him? They could kill him any time they want!"

Everyone stared at me, a knowing look in their eyes, but Caroline was the only one who answered. "It will all end soon, and we will get Hunter back," she told me. "Trust me. He'll be okay. We just need to be cautious."

I knew she was probably right. It always seemed like I was wrong, but I was worried about Jay, my Jay, the only person I loved most in the whole world. Tasha yipped at the door, Gizmo growled, the hackles on his back rising.

Wells and Mr. Rochester rushed around, trying to turn all of the computer stuff off so whoever was outside wouldn't find it. 

"Girls," Mr. Rochester said in a whisper. "Go upstairs with Doctor Wells. I got this."

Caroline tried to grab her dogs, but Wells pulled her away from them. Suddenly, the front door began to open, making the dogs run away and disappear into the next room. I had to zoom us all upstairs to get away before the person walked in.

"Well, well, well," we all heard a man say, but I didn't recognize his voice, it sounded like a young man, maybe even a teenager. "I finally meet the legendary Snake Man."

"Listen buddy, you have no right to barge in here like this," Mr. Rochester replied firmly. "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" The man replied in a mocking tone. "I've been watching this house for months. You know what I want, Snake Man."

Mr. Rochester hissed. "He sent you, didn't he?"

I couldn't hear anymore, but I was pretty sure the man had nodded, or something. And who was "he"? Was it Cisco? Was Mr. Rochester going to betray us? Was he actually on the bad side?

I couldn't stand it anymore. I wasn't going to let Mr. Rochester get away with whatever this was, and whoever that man was, I had to know. He would never escape me.

I was so worked up, that I forgot to put my mask back on. I was still in my suit, and didn't realize that I gave away my biggest secret until I ran downstairs, using my powers.

I pinned the man against a wall, him facing me. I glared at him, and was about to say something stupid because I was so angry, but I met his eyes. They were almond brown, kind, calm. His black hair was spiked up, and an adorable smile formed on his lips.

"Hey," he said in a flirtatious manner, as he looked back at me. "What do they call you, may I ask?"

Right then, I realized my mask wasn't on. I hoped he didn't know who Amethyst was, but he was too busy looking at my face to notice my superhero suit.

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now