TORN (One Direction Fanfiction)

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Hey! This is my 2nd Fanfiction! It's still in Progress but I have a few chapters done! Please Vote and Comment! I don't know if people actually read them!

Anways a note! This story is sad! Um It's about girl who runs away from an abusive father. It's not grusome it's just hard.

Maddie <3


I stood against the wall, with the man hovering over me. His hand over my mouth telling me to be a good girl.

'Be a good girl for daddy or I'll hit you. Now don't say a word.' He held a belt close to my back as the tears started to fall.

'This won't hurt a bit.' My father whipped the belt across my back as I wimpered in pain. I wanted to scream, but loss of words. If I said anything, I knew he would kill me. I had to get away. Fast. That night, I watched him fall asleep, dazed from all the alcohol he had been drinking and bolted out of the house soon as possible.

All my life I have been running. I'm eighteen now, and I've been running away for the last ten years. Since I was a young girl, I had always dreamed of a life without abuse, with someone who cared about me and wanted me. But now look where I am in a crowded collisium surrounded by hundreds of girls. Of all places he finds me here. He looks dirtier than before, stubble across his face, anger in his eyes. Revenge. I ran through the crowded halls, being squished to death by screams and girls yelling toward some British band.

"Ella!! Don't you dare runaway from me!" The voice called behind me, "Ella Benson! Stop or I'll shoot!" My red sneakers came to a squeaky stop as I felt the eyes look toward me. I felt like my throat was closing up, ten years. He waited ten freaking years till he found the guts to finally kill me? Infront of all these people? Good choice.

"Good girl Ella. Just like as a little girl. Now come here." I was about to turn on my heel and run, but he cocked the gun. "Ella, I won't let you leave. This bullet was meant for you." I gulped and he took a step forward. I closed my eyes, 'I'm going to die. I am going to die.' I felt a pair of arms on me as the gun went off. I opened my eyes to see my father wrapped in arms of security gaurds. I lost complete control. Tears streaming down my cheeks, 'Thank you God! You saved my life!' I said that small prayer aloud knowing that God has answered my prayers. Realizing the pair of arms were still around me I turned around to face a beautiful blue eyed boy, not that much older than me.

"Thank you." I swallowed, the boy just nodded and smiled at me. I heard a girls scream his name, Louis. I looked back at the table that was occupied by his other members I presumed, and they just all looked up at me with sad eyes. I looked back at the boy, he pulled me in for a hug.

"Ella. I like that name. I'm Louis. Nice to meet you." He smiled down at me, "I like the name Ella too! Nice to meet you. Thanks, but I really need to go." I whispered, as I turned on my heel. "Wait." I heard the voice behind me but I was already out the door.

Two months have passed since I've seen Louis. I wonder how he's been. I was sitting in the stage of the small café with my guitar. I started strumming away to Chasing Cars as the bell of the door rang. I looked up and smiled. Louis and the rest of the boys came in and sat infront listening to the music while they awaited for their teas and coffees. When the song ended I got off stage and went to talk to him, sure he would not recognize me, but it was worth a shot.

"Louis?" I asked almost in a whisper, "It's Ella? Remember me? You saved my life." He smiled at me, reassuring that he did so remember me. He got up and pulled me in for a hug, "Hello Ella! Nice to see you again. How you been?" He pulled up a chair and I sat down. We talked for hours, this boy not even knowing me to knowing the past I lived before this. I told him about how I ran away when things got complicated. Everything. He told me to stay strong and reassure me that everything was going to be okay. I thanked Louis, smiled at all the other boys and went home.

When I took off my coat, there was something in my pocket, paper.

'Ella! Love! Call me whenever you need me. I'm here for you. Please don't lose hope! We can get through this together. Louis xx' I read the note twice. I flipped it over showing me a number. This boy, I barely even know, this teen popstar wanted to help me. I felt like I finally had a person who cared about me, a friend. My hopes were set high from this day forward.


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