Chapter 1

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This story contains scenes depicting abuse and suicidal tendencies. You have been warned.

We were originally going to go out to the local toy store the day after my birthday. The reason we were going to wait a day was because of a massive snow storm that was going to hit our small town. But I wanted to go on my actual birthday regardless. Somehow I convinced my mom to bring me anyways, and she in turn convinced my dad to go.

    Mom, dad and I were at a toy store. They told me for my 10th birthday, they would let me pick any toy I wanted no matter the price.

    We walked down all the toy isles. Until I finally saw what I wanted...I wanted this beautiful China Doll. She had pale skin, and brown eyes. Beautiful brown locks that were curled  landed perfectly onto her shoulders, covering part of her light blue dress. She had a blue and white hat with flowers and a ribbon tied along the edge of the fabric on her head. Her little freckles were scattered along her rosy pink cheeks and over the bridge of her small nose. Her smile was so bright, as though it could light up even the darkest of nights. Her black shoes shined from the light, and matched perfectly with her dress. She was perfect.

    I grabbed her box and looked at my parents searching for a sign of approval. My mother looked at the price tag and smiled, looking at my father.

"Oh mommy, daddy can I have it, she is so pretty!"

My father chuckled and replied, "Gee Kora, it's beautiful. As long as your mother is okay with it, you may have it." 

    I looked over at my mother with hopeful, shining eyes. She nodded. "Of course you can have it dear."

    I cheered, my brown eyes sparkling with joy. "Thank you, thank you thank you!" I put the doll down quickly and hugged my parents. Than my father grabbed the box and we walked to the stores checkout.

             ~7 Years Later~

    "DAD STOP PLEASE!" Tears cascaded down my face as I fell to the floor, my head barely missing an empty, half shattered beer bottle.

    "SHUT UP!" He screamed at me while kicking me in the stomach. "STOP YOUR GOD DAMN CRYING!" he said, his voice was slurred due to being drunk. The smell of intoxication plagued his breathe as it hit my face. 

    I tried to get up but he kicked me again, knocking me back down. Pain was overwhelming my body. "I SAID KNOCK IT OFF YOU BASTARD! THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU WEREN'T SO FUCKING RETARDED!" He grabbed me by the back of the shirt and pulled me up, just to punch me leaving a stinging red mark on my cheek.

    His cigar was sitting in his mouth, burning. He held me until I was almost parallel with his face, and then he jabbed it into my exposed shoulder with his free hand. I yelled from the pain and instinctively reached for the spot just to get my hand slapped back down again. I began to quietly whimper from pain, which earned me a punch in the mouth.

     He than grabbed what he called 'Satan's Cane' and grinned at me. Pulling me up again he spoke. "GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM NOW! I DON'T FEEL LIKE SEEING YOUR LAZY LITTLE FAT ASS RIGHT NOW." The smell of intoxication fled from his mouth into my face once more. He then once again knocked me down.

He bent over and with 'Satan's Cane' and hit me in the back of the head hard four times, making the back of my head begin to bleed.

    I got up slowly, my hand was clenching my stomach, my other hand touched my lip and I looked down...blood. My head was throbbing from the pain I had just felt. I inched up the stairs to my room, than quietly shut the door.

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