Part Ten

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Luke's POV:
I don't know what made me do it, but I tore away from... from whoever he was. I truly had no clue. I had done nothing to provoke anyone.
I was expecting a gunshot. I was expecting the searing pain. I was expecting an unbearable burning sensation. I wasn't expecting him to care where he hit me with his bullet.
But nothing came.
I tripped and fell down the bank, losing my balance several times.
I could almost sense him close behind me and I frantically tried to move faster. Anything to put distance between us.
My eyes were watering now, and I wanted to put it down to the freezing air. It wasn't. It was the unfiltered fear I suddenly had for my life.
I'm still not sure what happened, but I slipped up.
I must have caught my foot on something. The last thing I remember before things went black was the horrible sensation of falling helplessly and then a mind numbing crack as I came to rest on the rough ground at the bottom of the steep bank.
I was dead.

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