The New Kid

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"Jacob stop before I piss my pants!", Tiara laughed as her bestfriend Jacob tickled her to death.

Tiara fought back as hard as she could, but it was useless. Jacob was ten times stronger than her.

"Okay I'm done", Jacob said out of breathe, throwing his hands up in defeat. "Aye you won't sum food?"

"Duh", Tiara said leaning back in the couch flipping through the channels.

Tiara was a 15 year old girl getting ready to start her first day of High School. Word on the street was that there wasn't going to be any African American teens attending the school other than Tiara. She had long brown and black hair that touched her shoulders, and her eyes were light brown. Tiara was always known as the shy girl during her years in middle school. When Tiara first moved to Chicago, her parents Rose and Jarold wanted her to attend the best preschool there was in Chicago. On her first day there, she saw nothing but white kids, all the other kids weren't used to seeing black kids so they all ignored her, everyone except Jacob. He saw how the other kids treated Tiara and he become her friend, since that day they've been bestfriends.

"Here's sum chicken T, you won't sum hot sauce wit dat?", Jacob asked setting the plate on Tiara's lap.

Jacob was a tall white boy with broad shoulders and long brown hair. Compared to Tiara's height, he was the size of a giant. Jacob was known as the popular-badboy in middle school since he was smooth with all the girls.

Tiara always loved Jacob's dimples he had in both cheeks that went along with his dark brown eyes.

"Jakey I don't like hot sauce, do you have any ketchup?", Tiara asked placing the plate on the table in front of her.

Jacob chuckled at Tiara as he sat on the couch next to her, taking one of her pieces of chicken.

"Tiara my whole family eats hot sauce N we WHITE, you tellin me you don't eat hot sauce N you black?", he questioned nibbling on the chicken.

"You can have my food Jakey, I'm just worried about school tomorrow..."

"Aye T don't eem worry 'bout dat, imma be by yo side da whole time anyway", Jacob said kissing her on the cheek.

Tiara pushed her bangs out her face, nudging Jacob in the shoulder as he chuckled. Tiara thought at times that he had a crush on her, but they've been put in the friend zone for so long it was impossible for them to start dating now.

"We're not gonna have every class together, we only have Algebra I together and lunch", Tiara said as she stood up and grabbed her phone off the table.

Jacob followed Tiara to the front door and opened it for her, giving Tiara a huge bear hug.

"Dats all we need Tiara, we needa break from each otha anyways", Jacob said jokingly.

The next morning Tiara had carpooled with Jacob so they could arrive at school at the same exact time.

Tiara walked into the school with Jacob, hand in hand as they struggled to find their lockers. After fifteen minutes of looking, they found their lockers right around the corner, down from the cafeteria. They were exactly seven lockers away from each other.

Jacob walked away from Tiara, going towards a group of his friends that he recognized from 8th grade.

"Wait! I thought you said you wouldn't leave me?", Tiara pouted as she swung her locker door open.

"I'll see you at lunch T, jus be yoself", Jacob yelled skipping away.

Tiara shook her head, ramming books into her locker when a blonde haired girl with golden locks walked past slamming it shut. The girl stopped in front of Tiara with her hand placed on her hip.

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