Chapter 12: Arabella makes the (right)? decision

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As Elizabeth rushed down to dinner, she saw Arabella crying. 

"Don't think I'm sorry for you. You are mean and selfish and rude. You are a brat, Arabella. No one likes you. Rosemary isn't here for you to cry on her shoulder anymore. She is a clever and kind girl unlike you. You are nothing but a spoilt stupid person. I and everyone else hate you." she said.

Although her words hurt, Arabella knew she was right. She ran off into the garden. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and went into dinner.

Meanwhile, Arabella was sobbing, "I wish Eliz could accept... me... although... why would she? She hates me... and I deserve it... I wish I had never been born," she stood up, determined. "So what if they hate me? So what if they think I'm stupid? That's their problem. I am going to be nice!" She thought back to her grandma's last words with her. 

"Arabella, dear. I think you would have been much nicer if you had been plain! You could have swapped your golden silky hair for brown matted hair and your bright blue eyes for dull brown ones. You could have worn muddy leggings and ragged tops instead of long, flowing dresses and you would have a much better life. You could have been top of the class instead of the bottom and you could have been generous instead of selfish. I know I will die soon - I have cancer at the age of 99. It is my only wish. You could make a better life for everyone. Instead of blusher you could have real rosy cheeks by riding but you don't. You are too selfish. Just be a better person after I die."

Arabella had agreed but had thought her grandma quite wrong! But when she heard it in her head now - it was what the other children hated about her!

She made a vow. Never - never would she be like that again.

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