"You deserved that pain," Murphy wiped the skin underneath his nose disdainfully. "You're so useless. All you do is get kidnapped by Grounders."

"Do you really have any room to talk?" She retorted, raising an eyebrow mockingly.

"You bitch," he growled, his dark eyes peering at her from beneath his scraggly bangs of hair. "I should go check up on my other friend, Jasper. He's better at keeping company."

Loxy glared at him the entire time he clambered up the ladder, waiting until he disappeared to the second deck before exhaling deeply. She rested her head against the metal wall, looking into the fluorescent lights.

This was going to be a long night.


"Murphy! I know you can hear me."

Loxy's head shot up when she heard the sound of Bellamy through the radio. Her eyes widened at his voice. Twelve hours must've passed, and she was still inside the dropship with a dickhead.

"All our ammo and food is on the middle level. You know that," his voice sounded calm but she could imagine the swirling anger he was feeling at this moment. "You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."

Murphy furiously grabbed the radio, holding it close to his vicious lips. "Yeah well in case you haven't notice, you're not exactly in control right now."

Loxy's heart began to beat slightly faster, anxiety swelling in her chest. She wanted this conflict to be over with. They had bigger issues to solve Murphy's power hungry self.

"C'mon Murphy," Bellamy's voice became strangely soft. "You don't want to hurt them. You want to hurt me."

Immediately Loxy knew what he was doing and became uneasy. She shifted uncomfortably and began fighting against the seatbelts holding her back. "No, Bellamy!"

"Actually I really want to hurt this screaming bitch right now." Murphy shouted, whirling around and shooting daggers at Loxy.

There was a brief pause before Bellamy spoke again. "Well let's make a deal. So what do you say, Murphy? Trade Jasper for me."

Loxy's eyebrows pressed together in confusion.

"All you have to do is let him go, and I'll take his place." Bellamy continued on, ignoring the faint protests from Octavia that Loxy was picking up on.

Murphy hesitated, glancing over at Jasper.

The boy looked at Murphy, tears swelling in his eyes and spilling over onto his cheeks. Fear was written all across his face.

"How?" Murphy asked.

"It's simple. You open the door. I walk in, he walks out."

Loxy waited and examined Murphy's face, watching as he thought out his options.

Finally, after an unbearable silence, he stormed over to the door and slammed the button to open it. It open slowly with large creaking noises, sunlight filtering in through the cracks.

Murphy picked up his gun, aiming it at Jasper before looking back at the doorway. "Just you, Bellamy, unarmed!" He hollered with fury coating his every word. "Ten seconds or I put one in Jasper's leg!"

DON'T LET ME GO   ►   BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now