Because of You

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"You okay?" Kai asked me as he helped guide me down the hall of Aunt Tracy's apartment towards my room. His hands were supporting me around my waist as well as carrying my bags from the hospital. The doctors released me soon after we talked to them and Kai talked to Aunt Tracy outside. I could tell by her mood that she was really troubled that she didn't notice.  

"Yeah, glad to be home." I replied as I looked up at him, his eyes were sparkling and his smile grinned from ear to ear. His soft brown curls were longer now and lapped at the back of his neck, and his arms had grown stronger. He had been changing since we broke up, mentally and physically. I noticed that he wasn't as open with me about how he was feeling as he used to be, he used to be an open book, I could tell what he was feeling without him saying anything. But now he seemed to mask everything behind a sweet smile. It troubled me to think that he was different, and that he was trying to cover up his own issues so I didn't have to worry. But I did worry.

"How are you?" I asked as he opened the door and kicked it gently so it opened to the dark space. 

"Fine." He said with a smile as he sat me down on the nicely made bed. I shook my head at his answer, not satisfied. 

"No, how are you really?" He looked over at me through the dark room and smiled.


"Yes, honestly."

He let out a sigh and sat next to me on the bed, moving in to touch his lips to mine. The soft skin of his lips caressing mine with so much emotion, I felt all his pain, all his sadness bundled up into one kiss. I inhaled his sweet sent and his warm touch made my chest float with ease. I missed this so much; I missed him so much. then as we were kissing I felt a drop of wetness fall onto my cheek. I opened my eyes to see tears falling from Kai's eyes. I pulled away slowly, worry setting into my gut.

"What's wrong?" I whispered into the dark atmosphere.

"I... I just really missed you Jasper." My heart melted at his soft words and I wrapped him in an embrace. His strong arms holding me together as my tiny arms held him in one piece. We were each others anchors, each others rock, he was the only thing I needed when we were apart and I was the only thing he needed when we were together. 

"I missed you too." I whispered as a sob pushed it's way out of my mouth.

The rest of that day we spent lying together in bed, watching movies, playing video games and cuddling. Every once in a while he's get up and go make me a snack, and wouldn't eat until I ate the first bite. 

"So... I've been meaning to ask you this for a while." He said while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"What?" I asked taking a bite of mine. Knowing that Kai made it for me made me want to eat it even more.

"Um... graduation is in a few days, and really it's really short notice... but I... I wouldn't want to go without you..." he stuttered, "But would you... move out with me?" My face erupted into delight and a huge Cheshire-like smile made its way onto my pale face. My lungs felt like there wasn't enough air in them to breathe and excitement flashed though my nerves like lightning.

"Fuck yes." I said excitedly and Kai chuckled at my enthusiasm. "I can't believe you had to ask, I though it was a give in." The blush on Kai's face was so red it looked like a synthetic rose.

"Why would you think that?" He said jokingly, not meeting my eyes.

"Well, I told you I loved you didn't I?" I said with a wink and his blush only intensified. 

"Yes, yes you did..." He dropped his sandwich on the bed and leaned over closer to me almost touching his lips to mine, "And I told you I loved you right back."

Our lips folded together and his arms wrapped around my waist gently. His body caressing mine with the purest of care and affection. And for the first time in what felt like forever, I felt as if the world was finally going to turn out okay. I was in love with the boy who loved me back, and we were going to have a life together, we were going to have a future. 

Thank you to all my devoted readers! This is the end of I AM HUMAN, I hope you all enjoyed this cute, heart-felt book. I certainly loved writing it!

Until next time,


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