Shed A Tear

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"No, no, no!" Aunt Tracy was shaking me out of my slumber, tears pouring down her red cheeks.

"Ow." I murmured and she released me with a gasp.

"Jasper! Oh, Thank God!" She was standing above me, my blurry vision making it difficult to see her face in the dim light of the ambulance. My throat was parched and felt like sandpaper as I swallowed.

"What...What happened?" I asked her in a painfully scratchy voice. Flashing lights were filling the vehicle making my head spin in even more confusion. 

"Don't talk honey, everything's going to be okay." She whispered as she brought a hand up to my face and caressed my cheek motherly. 

"Where's Kai?" I croaked, my throat scratching unbearably. Aunt Tracy hushed me and sat back down in the seat next to the stretcher I was lying on. 

"He was there with you at the school, do you remember that?" I nodded and she continued, "He wanted to come in the ambulance but paramedics said family only. I'm sure he's already waiting for you at the hospital." She said with a sad smile. "I think he wants to talk to you."

"Yeah." I breathed out quietly, "I want to talk to him too." She shushed me again and we sat quietly in the ambulance until it stopped and the large doors opened wide, revealing paramedics and the hospital in the background. 

The medics rushed my battered body through the halls and the fast motion created a new wave of sickness to rise into my throat. I heaved the fluid out of my chest and onto myself in a dazed state, not fully realizing what was going on. I could hear lots of voices, some yelling and some whispering in the background, my eyes were growing heavier by the second and my brain was starting to drawl all the outside noise to sound like the crashing of waves; all voices and hospital sounds had blended together into a soft, continuous lull.

My eyes finally closed and I welcomed the quiet.

I was later awoken by the sounds of beeping machines and the loud shuffles and coughs of other patients in the hospital room. My eyes were swollen tightly together and the light that shone through my eyelids was irritating and blinding. I groaned, only to earn a painful grinding feeling in my throat. I tried to move into a more comfortable position but the tubes and wires that were now attached to my body prevented me from shifting anywhere. I groaned again in frustration at the uncomfortable state I was in.

"Jasper?" I heard Aunt Tracy's voice whisper from beside me int the room. 

"Yeah..." I croaked out of my raspy throat.

"How are you feeling?" Her soft motherly voiced asked.

"Bad." I managed to get out through gritted teeth.

"Do you want me to call the doctors so they can give you more pain killers?" I nodded, making my spinning head much worse in the process.


"He's down in the waiting room honey, he's been there all night."

"See him." I said in a pained voice, "Please." I heard Aunt Tracy sigh and get up from her chair.

"Okay, I'll go get a nurse... and Kai." Her footsteps faded away as she left the room and I was left alone with the other invisible patients coughing, hacking, crying and groaning around me like a constant pounding in my head. The tubes that were snaking into my skin were itchy and I just wanted to be distracted from the throbbing that had settled all throughout my body. I just wanted to see Kai too. I remembered my dream when I saw him crying on the bench at school, how his strong shoulders shook  like an earthquake had rocked him back and forth. And how he bolted towards the sound of the ambulance. I wondered how he knew it was me... was he just guessing or did he think something might happen to me?

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