Small Moments Like These

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Kai and I ended up talking for a few hours, mostly about me. Our shoulders resting up against each other and our heads resting inches apart.

"You still haven't played me the guitar yet." Kai said, his strong arms folded up on his flat chest.

"Yeah, well Mr.S keeps forgetting to bring his to school. It's not my fault." I said with a chuckle in my tone.

"True, true." Kai sighed as he shifted his weight on the bed so he was on his side, facing me. "Tell me more about yourself. I barely know you, Jasper." His voice sounding far away and mature.

"What's there to say? I... I love music and art, I live with my Aunt Tracy and I can't sing for shit." I smiled and Kai just looked over at me with a serious expression on his smooth face.

"What type of art?"

"Oh, I just like to doodle, people and landscapes mostly. I'm not really good, It's just something I like to do."

"Can I see some of your drawings?" He asked curiously, with an eyebrow peaked.

"Yeah, I might still have one intact in my backpack." I said, Kai looked at me with sympathy and sat up.

"Can I get it? I think It's still in the truck."

"Go ahead, I'll wait here." I said with a smile, he smiled back and said,

"Just don't fall asleep this time, you're too cute to wake up." and he was gone. My face paled and my eyes bulged. Did he just say what I think he said? Did he just call me cute? Oh my god!

My brain was so flustered and I tried to make sense of every single little thing that Kai had done for me, ever. He was so kind, I always saw the looks that we got in the hallways when we walked together, but yet he never cared, he always wanted to talk about me, and always asked me questions... he cared. I knew he cared, But how much did he care was the real question. I sat restlessly on Kai's white bed sheets, twittling my thumbs until the door clicked open... But the face that popped in was not Kai's.

It belonged to a thin, middle aged woman with hollow cheeks and high arched brown eyebrows.

"Are you going home?" She asked me bluntly as she walked inside the blank room. Her hair pinned back in a tight bun, leaving no fly-aways. She had a strict posture and an air of coldness about her. She looked like a stringent business woman, not a mother.

"Um, Kai said I could stay till around dinner, If that is okay with you." I said politely, looking he in her icy eyes. She let out a puff of breath and nodded curtly.

"Dinner is at seven." She said flatly as she looked my messy appearance up and down disapprovingly. She turned around to leave the room as Kai walked up to the door.

"Mom? What are you doing to Jasper? Just leave him alone okay?" He said with disdain.

"I'm not doing anything, you're the one who invited him for dinner. Now I've got to cook for the both of you, what a bother." She said with a sneer. I was shocked, her ambivalent tone towards her son was like that of an owner to it's irritating pet. She treated Kai like a pet that she had to provide for, nothing more, nothing less; I felt incredibly sympathetic towards this kind boy. He did not deserve to be disregarded and tossed aside like a useless object.

"Leave." Kai said in a forceful voice, and his mother just simply walked out and shut the door. I started at the blank space where the heartless woman stood, gaping at the open wound. "She's always like that Jasper, just ignore her."

"She's always like that?" I repeated his thoughts, still stunned. I had always just assumed that his parents would be loving and supportive and caring people like him, not the exact opposite.

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