Speak Of The Devil

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I practically ran to school, the baggy, faded red sweater swallowing me in the morning air, my old black converse too worn out to be running in. I kept slipping on the dry pavement. The heat of the day was already getting to me, but I was not going to go a day without wearing his hoodie. I made it to school early for once, and had no idea where to go, I was completely lost. So I figured I'd walk the halls to look for Kai... then remembered that this was school, and I was me. So I scratched that idea and went straight to Mr.S's class. When I walked in I half expected Kai to be waiting there for me like he did at lunch, but instead Mr.S was sitting alone at his desk, unpacking his bag.

"Hey." I said as I walked up to my favorite teacher with a smile that was a little too obvious.

"Good weekend?" he asked surprised by my presence, "I don't believe I have ever seen you this early on a Monday morning... actually I've never seen you this early period. What's up?" He asked curiously, putting his things down and taking a seat, motioning for me to sit with him. I didn't know if I should be telling anyone about Kai and I but I really wanted to talk to someone, and besides Kai, Mr.S was my only other friend.

"Well..." I started, "I think I have a boyfriend." I said, my smile widening even more, I bet I resembled the Cheshire cat now.

"Oh?" He said interested, "Spill the beans." I laughed at his funny expression and continued,

"I was at this party, I know... totally out of character, and I was a little... you know, loopy, and then we were like really close and then he said he liked me and it kind of went from there." I said, excited to be able to talk to someone about this.

"Who is this mystery man of yours, If I'm allowed to ask?" He said, and just as I was going to speak, the door opened and Kai walked in.

"Speak of the Devil." I whispered not intending to be heard, but Mr.S caught it and a wide smile spread across his bearded face.

"Hey." I greeted to kai who was wearing a really hot t-shirt that tugged a little on his toned arms and chest, and black skinny jeans. My face went red with the excitement of seeing him, I wondered if it would be different. Would we act the same around everyone, and have us as our own little secret? Or would we be loud and proud little gay boys frolicking through the halls with rainbows shooting out of our asses and sparkles flying from our sunny faces? I guessed the first was a much more realistic situation and tried not to stare at him... for too long. 

"Hey Jas." He smiled at me and winked, pulling a chair beside mine and sitting down with us. We talked about government conspiracies and about the up coming election; who would win. When the bell rang I got up and waited for Kai, leaving together side by side like always. When we were in the halls, suddenly everything seemed different. The halls were busier, lighter, I noticed a few people smile in my direction (or more likely Kai's), and my chest felt full, like all my troubles were lifted off of me by a higher force. I could feel kai's radiant being next to me, our arms casually bumping into each other more often than they probably should, and both of our faces bore large, distinctly matching grins. 

"Do you feel different?" I ask him quietly as we walk.

"Yes." A one word answer that confirms his feelings for me all over again, "I don't feel alone anymore." God sometimes I just wanted to reach out and kiss this boy, and right now was one of those moments. I had to physically restrain myself from grabbing onto his arm and reaching up with my tip-toes to kiss those perfect, tan lips of his. And like the many other times this intense feeling has overcame my rationality, I looked away. I looked away from his beautiful soul, his gorgeous mind and kind heart. Instead I stared at the laminate floors of the school hallway. We walked all the way to the place where we usually split up, but this time Kai followed me all the way to my class.

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