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I awoke to the obnoxious, loud voice of Ally. Everything around me was blurred, the lights above me were blended together and I couldn't tell the wall apart from the floor.  There were two faces in front of me, Ally and a man who I couldn't make out. I realized my back was in a lot of pain and I tried to shift, but the movement cause a whole new type of pain to erupt from the rest of my body to my head. I let out a moan, and the man that was above me spoke.

"Don't move Jasper, the stretcher's on it's way." Ally's hand moved to mine and held it, it was surprisingly comfortable, but reminded me of... Kai.

"Kai..." I moaned out at her, "Kai?" The question hanging thick in the air.

"He's okay." Her blurry face looked distorted though my eyes and I heard a small cough to the right of me, just outside my impaired field of vision. Ally looked over across me and I could tell that there were others there. 

"Kai? Wh-Where?" I managed to wheeze out. The man in front of me shushed and I recognized Mr.S's voice.

"Jasper, everything going to be okay, you shouldn't talk, okay?" He said in an upset tone.

"Kai?" I said again more insistently. I needed to know where he was, if he was okay, was he hurt? Did Sean touch him, did he hurt him? 

"Jasper, He's okay." Ally's voice soothed, her hand holding mine, squeezed. But I wasn't satisfied with that answer, I needed to know.

"No." I said stubbornly, "Where... Where is he? Is.. Is he- he okay?" My lips felt swollen and hard to move, my throat felt like someone's hands had squeezed it to the size of a pencil, but I was not going to give in to the pain, I needed to know if Kai was hurt or not.

I heard someone shuffling behind me and Ally murmured something that I couldn't catch. A few new voices entered the halls, echoing from the hollow walls towards us.

"-What condition-?"

"-Fled the scene-"

"-Caught in the parking lot-"

"-Police presence-"

All the noise and blurry images were hurting my head, I just wanted to know if Kai was okay, I was so tired, he was the only think keeping me from succumbing to the comforting sleep.  My eyes grew tired from trying to see through the fuzziness, and I felt them roll to the back of my head. A gasp echoed from my right, and I felt a strong pair of hands clasp my face. The pain shocked me back, my eyes slowly opened to see brown locks shading me from the outside world. My heart beat quickened, and I struggled to speak.

"Kai?" I wheezed out from my bruised chest.

"I'm here Jas, It's going to be okay, It's-" His panicked voice was cut off by a stranger's. 

"Alright son, you're going to have to let me take him, He needs medical attention."

"No..." I heard Kai whisper so softly, but he let go of my cheeks and backed away out of my vision again as three men lifted me into a stretcher. The touch still lingered as I was whisked away from him.

"It's okay Kai," Ally's quiet voice comforted in the background, "It's not your fault."

Aunt Tracy arrived shortly after the ambulance and she rode in the back with me. I could barely keep my eyes from shutting, but I overheard a paramedic tell Aunt Tracy that I needed to keep them open at all costs. It was really terrifying not being able to communicate, I couldn't see straight, my hearing was echoing and distorted, and my throat had groan so swollen I was struggling to breath calmly.

"Jasper, You're okay, You're okay, You're okay." She repeated to herself over and over. Every now and again She would shake my arm and pain would spring through my body, forcing me to stay awake. "You're okay, You're okay..." The lulling voice of Aunt Tracy was starting to fade away from my consciousness. "Jasper? Jasper, no! No, no, no..."

 I was just so tired.

In my sleep I witnessed the scene from above. I saw Ally and I ganging up on Sean, demanding to know what he'd done to Kai. Then I saw him laugh and push Ally to the floor, grabbing me and throwing me against the lockers. Ally looked terrified but brave as she ran to find Kai. I watched as Sean's perfectly formed fists pummeled my face: blue, black, purple, red. I was not as brave as Ally, I was crying, tears spilling down my bruised and cut up face, pleading for him to stop. I witnessed his final hit to my head that knocked me to the floor, my head bounced on the linoleum, shaking my brain like a bag of marbles, my light going out. I watched as he stood above my lifeless body, his hands on his head, covering his face. Was he scared? He started pacing back and forth, as the bell rung he stood still, but just for a second before he bolted out of the halls.

I watched Sean run out the building, his head scanning the area frantically, searching for a means of escape; he thought he'd killed me. He ran fast, down the street, past the forest and down the hill, the whole time, he thought he killed me. 

Then I saw Ally, shaking with utter terror, bounding down the halls screaming for help. Her arms flung Mr.S's door open as he said hello to his class. Seconds later he was shouting at students to call the ambulance, him and Ally were already down the halls. 

Then I saw Kai.

He was outside at the smoke pit bench where we ate lunch sometimes, where he shared his sandwich. He looked don at his bare hands and put his head in them. His shoulders were shaking as sobs wracked through his body. I watched as his head perked up at the sound of sirens. And almost as if it were an instinct, he bolted out of his seat, towards the ambulance that sat parked at the front of the school.

Back at the scene I watched as Mr.S and Ally both collapsed to the ground at the sight of my limp body, Ally's sobs couldn't hold in, as Mr.S checked for a pulse. His head snapped up as he felt one and relief loosened his muscles on his shoulders. Next, a hoard of students started to flood into the halls, trying to get a look at the almost-dead boy on the floor. I watched as a few parted for Kai's racing form as he bounded into the hallway, screaming my name.

My eyes opened sluggishly as Kai's voice filled the halls. His body froze as he saw my lifeless form lying on the floor, blood snaked around me like a Pollock painting. I could see his chest let out another sob, his knees gave out and he fell to my side, on my right. 

I watched as Ally told him to talk to me, to say something, but all he could so was sob. Tears streaking down his face, He thought it was his fault.

He refused to touch me, but when he heard me calling him, calling out to see if he was okay. His heart ripped open, and though I called to him he stayed silent. He thought it was his fault the whole time. 

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