Bubblegum Flavored Toothpaste

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"Hey you." The sweet sound of Kai's voice slowly woke me from my slumber. I opened my sore eyes that were crusted together in a nasty, drunk-induced grossness. 

"Ugh." I groaned as I realized where I was. The party was still going on, but by the looks of it, It was starting to die down. A considerable less amount of people were in the living room than when I had fallen asleep. "What time is it?" I said as I looked up into Kai's sweet face. He was wearing a pleasant smile and his arms were still wrapped around me, protecting me from the dangers of the outside world.

"Almost two in the morning, I didn't want to wake you." He said sheepishly.

"Fuck really? I promised Aunt Tracy that we'd be back by midnight." My brain was still fuzzy from the booze, and a light headache was starting to seep in. I had forgotten about this part of drinking; I hated hangovers. 

"You didn't tell me that, damn." Kai said, scrunching up his forehead with worry. "Do you think she's stayed up waiting for us?"

"Maybe, I don't really know. I've only ever gone out late with you at the last party and we went to your place after. So..." I said uncertainly.

"It's okay Jasper, we can leave now. Probably should have woken you up, sorry about that." A small blush crept up onto his cheeks along with a cute grin.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked him as we started to peel off the couch. 

"I just don't want you to get in trouble." I smiled at his words and nodded. "You were so cute just snuggled in my arms, I couldn't have woken you up. You even started snoring really slightly, you sounded like a little mouse." He continued with the blush growing with every passing word. "And then you started talking in your sleep..."

"Oh god, what did I say?" I said embarrassed. I knew I had a tendency to talk in my sleep, sometimes I yelled gibberish into the night.

"You said my name." Kai spoke quietly as he helped me out of the love-seat so I was standing up facing him. 

"Oh." I said, struck with a lightning bolt of embarrassment and guiding my gaze to the floor.

"You also said that you wanted to... oh how did you put it? Ah... 'make love to me.'"

"Oh god!" I groaned, slapping my hand in my face. "I'm sorry, I can't control what I say while I'm asleep."  Kai just laughed and took my hands off my face and in his, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"You also said some other things..."

"Fuck, really? More? When will sleep-me ever close his god damn mouth?" I said sarcastically, red blush now clearly rising up my pale-ass face.

"Yeah, You were quite cute, to be honest."

"Stop right now." I said with an embarrassed chuckle, "You must not speak of the sleep-me shenanigans. Really, it's just not fair."

"Okay then," Kai said in an upbeat tone, "Maybe I'll tell you another time." Kai winked and let go of one of my hands, and guided me out the room, dismissing the conversation completely.

We walked to the front entrance through the trashed mansion. People were still talking, music still played in a mindless lull as chatter rang throughout the halls. Cups and garbage were scattered everywhere and a few people laid passed out on the floor and sofas. We walked out the door hand in hand into the chilled night. The crisp air helped clear my head a little more and Kai and I walked in a peaceful silence towards his truck. 

As he helped me into the passenger seat I couldn't help but get the strong sense of deja vu.

"Do you remember the last time this happened?' I asked Kai as he was buckling up my seat belt for me. His head tilted up and the moonlight his his features with a soft light, illuminating his big brown eyes. 

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