Don't Let Go

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Out back was a mass of bodies all swaying to the pulsating beat of the music. There was a large pool where couples were swimming and making out, beer cans floating along the crowded surface. The lush, green grass was beaten down with hundreds  of lazy feet as the DJ at the far side of the yard played mellow pop music. Kai's hand was tucked into mine snugly, as we slowly made our way to the dance floor and into the crowd. He let go of my hand and moved his hold onto my hips, capturing me in his grasp.

"You doing okay?" He whispered into my ear as he moved his body closer to mine; we were pressing close together, chests bumping with the music. I smiled into his warm chest and nodded my head, wrapping my thin arms around his torso. We weren't really dancing much at this point, mostly just swaying side to side in a tight hug. My head placed delicately on Kai's shoulder as his leaned into mine. I loved the feeling of our bodies this close together, it felt like we were melting chocolate.

"Yeah, I really like this." I mumbled into his neck, turning my head to lightly suck the soft spot just above his collar bone. At that a shiver ran down Kai's spine and me let out a pleasant moan rang from his mouth. I let my tongue flick at his skin and was rewarded with another moan, this time slightly louder. I laughed happily at my success and whispered into his ear.

"Good?" Kai laughed with a huff.

"Too good." I smiled and he broke our little hold, leading me out of the swaying crowd. He guided me to the side of the make-shift bar and sat me down on a bench.

"You want anything to drink?"

"Sure." I said with an easy smile. I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I just couldn't believe that Kai and I had taken the next step in our relationship. This party had helped us grow closer and he even asked me to be his boyfriend. Kai walked back with two drinks in his hands, and sat next to me on the bench.

"Here, try these." He held one out to me that was a orange concoction in a red solo cup. 

"What's in it?" I asked curiously.

"Rum pineapple punch." My eyes perked up at the sound of a sweet drink, "can't really taste the run, its good I had a sip." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks." Taking the cup I took a sip and a splash of fruity punch filled my mouth. The dangerous taste was delicious, Kai was right you couldn't taste the alcohol, which meant that you couldn't taste how much was in it.

We sat and talked as I drank from the two cups he had brought me, he grabbed a coke out of a cooler and we chatted for a while. We were lost in conversation until someone tapped on Kai's shoulder. Kai turned his head to face the ugly grin of the troll boy; Sean. There were three boys behind him, all equally as huge, with girls around their arms like trophies. The smile that had been happily placed on my face fell into a frown at the sight of Sean's posse. 

"So, having a nice time fags?" Sean sneered over Kai's shoulder. I physically saw the skin on Kai's arms crawl at his words, his posture stiffened and he moved his leg closer to mine protectively. 

"Before you got here we were." Kai said coldly, his teeth clenched. 

"Ohh..." The group murmured in the background.

"Think you're a tough guy huh?" Sean taunted, "Think you can say that sort of thing to my face, Fag? Huh?" Sean walked in front of where we were sitting, leering closer to our frigid frames. My blood felt like ice as I watched him get closer and closer, and I sensed Kai move ever so slightly towards me. Not that I needed it, I think it was him Sean was after this time, but it was comforting knowing how protective he was of me. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson Fag. You wanna make a fool outta me, I'll make you regret it." His jeers were chilling and caused a fright induced shiver to run up my tiny back. Kai noticed my unease and placed a hand around my shoulder.

"I think you should leave." Kai said evenly into the eyes of the beast.

"Oh yeah? I don't really wanna." Sean said back aggressively. I watched the people around us, many hadn't noticed what was going on, but a few were watching with cautious glances. The drone of the party had drowned out any noise we might have made, insuring that whatever Sean said to us would most likely go unnoticed by the bystanders.

"Alright then." Kai spat. He looked over at me, anger embedded in his eyes as he stood up, pulling me up alongside him. We stepped to the side, and were stopped by one of Sean's sidekicks. He was a big beefy guy that towered over Kai's height. His stance was intimidating and made me want to shrink back into my seat, but Kai held onto my arm with a steel grip, holding me in place. I was really glad that he had agreed not to drink much tonight, because he was handling this really well from my point of view. In contradiction to Kai's reaction, My brain was fuzzy from the booze and I felt sluggish which helped increase the panic rising fairly quickly. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to think clearly if I had to make a split second decision. "Come on, let's get out of here Jasper." Kai's gruff voice sounded beside me. I nodded but stood staring into the large chest of the behemoth boy blocking our way. "Would you please move?" Kai's impatient voice trying to keep calm as he looked the guy in the eyes.

"Make me."

"Now, I'm asking you politely. Please move. Were done here."

"No." This aggravated Kai and before I could even look up at his tense form he let go of the grasp on my arm, snatched my empty cider bottle that sat on the ground and threw it on the floor by the boys feet. Surprise flashed through everyone's eyes as glass shattered all over the patio. The boy jumped backwards and Kai quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me after him as he sped away from the group as all eyes from outside followed us.. 

We walked inside and found a corner in one of the living rooms that was sort of private. We sat down together on a love-seat and I felt myself fold into Kai's body. His arms wrapped around my tiny body comforting me. I hadn't realized I'd been shaking until the moment Kai's arms calmed me. His touch enough to ease the enormous stress that had been building up.

"We're okay now." Kai whispered into my ear as he rocked us back and forth in the sofa. I opened my clenched eyes to see the room over his shoulder: people were sitting in a group to the side playing a game of spin the bottle, and a few couples were sitting around talking and making out. We were safe in here, there were too many people and the noise level was too low for anyone to make a scene and get away with it. "How are you doing?" He asked after a few minutes of us just cuddling and taking in what just happened.

"I'm managing... I think..." The words came out slurred and awkward out of my drunk mouth. I hadn't remembered how much I drank, but I knew it was probably too much for me to be able to process anything properly. 

"Do you want me to take you home?" He whispered into my ear, concern evident in his tone. My heart warmed as I heard him, I knew he cared about me so much. I loved how he felt so protective of me and how he always wanted to take care of me. As much as I am my own person and value my independence, there's something about having someone care for you that make you feel fuzzy and warm inside.

"I don't know. I don't want to wreck your time." He looked at me with rolled eyes,

"You have nothing to worry about. You're not the one who ruined it, those idiot bastards just wreck everything in their paths, don't they?" His rhetorical question lingered in the air as my fuzzy brain tried to figure out how to form words in my mouth again.

"Okay." I managed to slur, my eyes were heavy and all I wanted to do was stay here, like this, with Kai. "Can we stay here?" I think I said out loud, and I nuzzled my head into Kai's warm body. I felt his arms fold over me like a snug blanket once again and a warmth covered my body, helping it guide into a daze.

"For a little bit, then." I heard a muffled voice say beside me and I smiled with my eyes comfortably closed.

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