Black-hole Mind

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I woke up slowly, rolling to my side but was stopped by a warm lump of a body. Kai's chest was facing me, his arms wrapped loosely around my side and he was breathing loudly, making small baby-like noises with each breath. A chuckle rang out through my mouth as I watched him in his sleep; he looked so content.With my arm all better and the cast finally off, I could snuggle into his warmth completely, without the burden of an injury. I couldn't help watching him, a smile painted on my face as my boyfriend slept happily beside my body, his arms curled around me. 

The light from the morning started to brighten the room and soon Kai was stirring. He opened his eyes slowly like they were stuck together with glue and he was prying them apart. I smiled and let out a quiet laugh, bringing my arms up so I was resting my head on my hands, lying on my stomach. 

"Mornin'..." He moaned sleepily as he pulled his long arms from around me and brought them out straight in front of him for a stretch. He looked like a cat, which made me giggle again. 

"Hey, you." I whispered in the silent morning air. He smiled and sat up, taking the warm blankets with him. "Hey!" I said in protest, "Not fair..."

"Are you complaining?" He said with a chuckle, "Because I thought you were a morning person." I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Suurrreee...." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. The comfortable atmosphere wrapped us in its cozy arms as we sat in my bed quietly. Kai's back was rested up against the wall and I was curled up next to him, my head leaning against his shoulders as his two arms held me close to his strong chest. 

"Can this last forever?" I sighed after a while of us just sitting there, "Because I'm totally okay with that." He quietly laughed again and kissed the top of my head gently.

"Hummm." He hummed as if he were deep in thought. 

"What's up?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

"Nothin." He whispered.

"Really?" A knowing expression evident in my voice. I had noticed that when things got quiet, often times Kai would retreat into a sort of black-hole where his thoughts would spin out of control. I mean, It happened to me too, but Kai was a little different, he seemed detached from anything else, like he was in a different world. 

"Yeah, I'm fine Jas." He smiled halfheartedly and kissed the top of my head again. His fingers moved up to my scalp and started to play with the ends of my long hair. The massaging feeling distracted me and I forgot about Kai's black-hole mind. 

Throughout the weekend I felt too far apart from Kai. He hadn't texted Aunt Tracy's phone to say hello, or show up on the door step asking if I wanted to hangout like he sometimes did. He was silent. I thought maybe it was nothing since we sometimes went a weekend without talking... but he had slept over the night before and asked me to be his boyfriend. So I was starting to think something was up. I even asked Aunt Tracy about a billion times if he has texted, but the answer was always a no. 

"Should you call him?" She asked me, slightly irritated from my annoying behavior.

"Probably, but he's usually the one who does it."

"What if he's waiting for you?" She tapped her foot and held out the phone to me, "If you're both waiting for each other then both of you are going to end up disappointed." I nodded and took the phone from her.

Hey, It's me. How are you doing? Hope your weekend's okay :)

I sent the message and kept the phone in my hands as I walked to my room to listen to some music. It must have been about two hours that I held the phone with a hopeful attitude, but by the third hour I threw it across my bed. Was he at practice? No. Was he hanging out with friends? I doubt it, besides me and his teammates, he didn't really have any. Did his phone die? He was super good at charging it... Maybe his mom took it away?

I was just coming up with any excuse I could think of when I heard a ding. I scooted quickly to the opposite side of the bed and snatched the phone up in my small, pale hands. I opened the lock screen and saw the single message from Kai.


'Thanks!?' I thought to myself, Jesus... now I knew something was off! He always replied with really sweet, long messages that I usually had to delete from Aunt Tracy's phone. But 'thanks' was not his style of text. Did I do something to offend him or put him off? Was I going too fast? Did I make him uncomfortable when he slept over?

My mind was spinning out of control again, and I bet he knew it. I bet Kai knew exactly what it was doing to me, so I wonder why he sent it. 

I Am Human (bxb)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora