The Castle

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When we arrived at the address I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I looked up at the massive house and it looked like something out of a Hollywood set. The castle-like property had high fences that covered the perimeter, cobble stone driveway and tall pillars that jutted out of the roof like something out of the middle ages. I was awed by the wealth one place could emanate. Aside from the property, there were teenagers and young adults everywhere. Red solo cups lined the grass as teens climbed the roof and chatted loudly. Booming music came from speakers that were placed on the sides of the building, most positively annoying the neighbors. 

Kai and I walked up the cobble stone driveway and were met with a familiar, perky cheerleader. 

"Hey! You guys made it!" Abby shouted as she ran up to us with a skip in her step. She was carrying two cups of liquor in her hands and shoved them towards us, "Here! You'll be needing these," Her tone conveying pity.

"Thanks?" I said in a questioning tone, loud above the roaring music.

"Sean and a few of his buddies showed up. I didn't invite them, but... what can you do?" I took a sharp inhale of breath and turned to Kai, I saw him swallow nervously. Quickly his hand took both cups from Abby thankfully and nodded.

"Thanks for the heads up." He said evenly.

"No problem! Hey- if they try to start anything let me know and I'll kick 'em out, okay?" She said with a warm smile.

"I'll let you know." Kai reassured her, only I knew that he wouldn't keep his word. If anything started, he'd make sure he dealt with it himself... I was starting to realize just how proud of a person he was. 

"Hey Kai?" I asked quietly as we made our way up to the castle-like home.

"What's up Jas?" He said taking a sip from one of the two drinks in his hands.

"Don't be reckless okay?" He looked over at me and a sad smile came onto his lips. He stopped walking and placed both drinks on the grass, then stood back up, winking. I smiled and relaxed a little. I don't know what it was, but I just had a sneaking suspicion that if Kai got drunk no good would come of it. Plus I couldn't drive and Kai was my only way home.

"Thanks." He nodded and suddenly took my hand in his. A confused, but pleased expression formed on my face. "Aren't you-" I started,

"No. I'm ready. I'm also pretty sure everyone knows by now." I gave him a small smile and we walked on towards the party, hand-in-hand.

As we walked through the huge doors of the mansion it seemed like time stopped. Gazes all seemed to direct at us instantly and it was as if the music was turned down, for in my head the world was silent. Every pair of eyes seemed to be staring at mine and kai's linked hands. The tension rising as nobody moved, all attention was on us. I wasn't sure how to react. Was I supposed to say something? Do something? I felt Kai squeeze my hand reassuring me that I was doing okay. And we continued to walk forwards into the deep mass of gawking people and strobe lights. 

"Kai?" I heard some guy say from the crowd. Kai turned his head to see one of his soccer teammates, his eyes bulged looking at us.

"What?" Kia snapped defensively. 

"Woah dude, chill." He said putting his hands up in surrender. The surprised face seemed to have ebbed away and now he was more hurt looking than anything. Something about this guy was tugging at the back of my memory, but I couldn't quite remember who he was or where I saw him.

"Sorry." Kai mumbled as he realized his tone was overtly harsh. The crowd seemed to be watching our every move, waiting to figure out how to act towards us. Waiting for a signal.

"Don't worry 'bout it, man. I was just going to ask why you haven't introduced your boyfriend to the team? You should have brought him to the dinner last weekend, we all brought someone but you, man." The boy seemed sincere, and the pit in my stomach that had formed when we walked into the tense room has started to ease up from his kind words.

"W..what?" Kai stammered, surprised from his teammates reaction.

"Yeah dude, we honestly don't care that you're into a guy. Ever since you stopped eating lunch with us we were worried something was wrong. I'm just glad to know that you're happy again." The boy stepped forwards and placed a hand gently on Kai's shoulder looking him in the eyes with a soft smile, "You're happy, the team's happy." 

Kai stood there frozen for a moment, seemingly stunned. After he came to, he briefly let go of my hand and hugged his teammate with a pat on the back.

"Thanks Tom." His voice breaking with emotion as he let go of the quick, heartfelt embrace. It made me smile to know that we had an ally. Kai stepped back and held my hand again proudly. The crowd seemed to have dispersed and lost interest in us, leaving the three of us in the hall. "This is Jasper," Kai introduced me, "Jasper, Tom." He said gesturing towards his teammate. I smiled shyly and quickly looked down, nervous at the attention.

"Nice to meet you. I hope we'll be seeing you at games and team dinners from now on. You're definitely welcome." His bright smile making my heart feel lighter now that Kai didn't have to worry about his team's reaction being negative.

"Thanks." I spoke in a hushed voice, "Thank you for accepting him." I forced my gaze up to look into this kind boy's eyes and hoped that he understood how amazing he had been to Kai and I just now. His reaction had also impacted the group around us that had been watching, and hopefully was an indicator of how others would react as well.

"Don't mention it!" He said cheerfully. He ducked around for a second to grab two drinks from behind him. Bringing them forwards he handed a bottle to me. "I remember you liked this one." He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he chuckled. I took the drink, it was a cider... the same one that I had been given buy that guy at Kai's soccer party...

Immediately it clicked. 

"You're that guy from the party!" I said loudly, looking up at him as I took the drink. He was the one that had seen Kai stroking my hair while we sat on the stairs and offered us drinks. 

"Yeah man! Glad you remembered!" He laughed, bringing a hand up to clap me on the shoulder. He looked over at Kai suddenly with a serious tone, "Don't you mistreat him, he's a keeper." Tom winked at Kai and then walked off.

We were left to ourselves in the large, booming house. Strobe lights illuminating the air like a thunderstorm and the smell of booze and sweat roaming the halls.  Kai turned to look at me through the pulsing lights, he was smiling like a lunatic. 

"I'm so relieved right now." He said loudly as he looked into my deep blue eyes.

"Honestly, me too." I said with an equally wide smile. He brought both of his hands up to cup my face , pulling me into a sweet kiss. It tasted like mint and the slight remains of beer from his few sips earlier. He pulled away after a second and moved his lips to my forehead, pecking me with a kiss.

"Be my boyfriend." He said into my forehead. He pulled away to see my face and smiled with kind eyes. My heart was beating fast and the butterflies were still moshing in my stomach from the three-second kiss. 

"Okay." I managed to get out shakily as I stepped up on my tip-toes and planted my slightly chapped lips onto his mouth. His smooth lips warmed mine at the touch and he wrapped his hands around my neck, gently tilting my head closer towards his. We were so close. I was breathing his air and he was breathing mine. I never wanted to stop being like this with him. His tongue moved its way into my mouth, exploring the taste of me, licking my lips and memorizing me. I loved the way his thumbs lightly brushed my cheeks, and the way he moaned whenever I softly bit at his lower lip. After what seemed like hours of us intertwined we parted for air, both of us breathing heavily, our hearts seemingly glowing.

"So... boyfriend, what do you want to do now?" I asked him with a wink as I took a sip from my cider. He smiled hugely and took my other hand, guiding me towards the backyard. 

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