Warm Morning Thoughts

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I woke up in a dark room that smelt sweet, like you would think a candy shop would smell like. I closed my eyes again and listened to the soft inhale and exhale pattern of Kai's sleeping breaths. I could feel his back curve along the side of my shoulder, hips and legs. Throughout the night he must have moved closer to me, a snuggled puppy around a fireplace. Under the sheets was a comforting warmth, our combined body heat baking us in a soft fire. I wanted to fall back into the lull of sleep but was nagged by the pounding, scratching, and annoyingly painful drilling in my brain. I guess this is what a hangover was like. I groaned as I tried to open my eyes again, the movement of my eyelids making my face sore. I felt a small stretch from beside me and noticed that Kai was waking up. He turned his body so he was facing me, his chest inches from my shoulder, and his head resting delicately on the soft pillow.

"Hey." I whispered in the dark, still room. I saw that his eyes were still closed, and wondered if he was still asleep.

"Mmmorning..." I heard him moan as he stretched his legs out and unraveled his arms from out underneath him. A smile was sprawled out on his sleepy face, a wave of intense affection overcoming me and my stomach flip-flopped. I wanted to kiss him so badly right now, I wanted to wake him up with a kiss... But that was dumb. So I just smiled back at his beautiful face.

"Morning cutie." That was okay, a little bit of flirtation to start the day, not too much... I didn't want to scare him. What if he didn't mean all of the stuff from last night, what if in my intoxicated state I blew it out of proportion and it didn't actually happen? I was definitely over thinking this, but what else was I supposed to do when the guy I had a huge crush on said he liked me while I was drunk at a party, and then woke up sleeping beside him the next morning? God, this was messed up!

I heard Kai give out a tired laugh beside me, and smile. "You doing alright this morning?" He said his eyes opening and looking at my massive bead-head.

"Is having the equivalent of a construction site drilling in your brain normal?" I asked, inching my body closer to his and gageing his reaction. He stayed where he was and smiled cutely at me, his hair still looking perfect like the rest of him.

"Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought." He said, moving his head down to my pillow and rolling it into the space between my shoulder and my neck. A breath hitched in my throat, he was so close! He made a move, even if it was so small, he made a move. It helped ease my doubt and my courage started to come back to me. I brought up one of my arms that Kai's head was lying on and started to stroke his hair soothingly. He let out a happy sigh as I played with the ends of his hair. "Did last night really happen then?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, I think it did." I whispered back as I stroked his soft, wavy brown hair with my small, musician fingers.

"What are we?" Kai asked curiously. I thought for a second, what were we? Were we dating? Were we friends with benefits? Were we boyfriends?

"I don't know, but I think we should take it slow at first." I said thoughtfully, thinking of his past relationships and how I knew ours would be nothing of the sort.

"Yeah... That's good. But, are we like... dating now?" He asked me hesitantly.

"I'm fine with that." I smiled happily, giddy swirls of butterflies flocked in my belly. I couldn't help the insane smile that spread on my face; I'm pretty sure I looked like The Joker. I heard Kai snort at my reaction which just made me even happier.

"I'm so... happy." Kai said after a few minutes of us just lying on the bed, me stroking his hair and him nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"Me too." I sighed, leaning my head against his.

"Do you ever feel so lonely that you start to believe that you'll never feel any different?" Kai asked me quietly.

"I used to... every day."

"Me too." he breathed out.

"But now I have you, and I almost forget how that felt." I said, my fingers intricately playing in his soft locks. I heard Kai breath out a cute sigh and snuggle into me more, the warmth from his body making me feel whole, making me realize that I was empty before I met him.

We sat like that for a long time. Our heads touching and our bodies lying next to each other, slightly overlapping.

"Should I drive you home soon?" Kai asked regretfully.

"Probably, It's almost noon."

"Ew... I really don't want to move." He groaned and I nodded. I was perfectly content to stay like this for the entire day, for the rest of the week, for a whole month. I just didn't want to leave his side, our newfound connection making it all the more difficult to part. He groaned as he sat up, leaving me cold and my arms empty.

"Is your head still hurting?" He asked concerned, "Sorry I forgot, I was distracted." He winked. I gave him a smile at that and waved him away. I didn't want to cause any more trouble for him, I could manage... or so I thought. As I went to sit up, my head got all dizzy and all the blood rushed out making my lightheaded.

"Jeeze." I said as I got up, "On second though, I'll take the aspirin." Kai nodded and said he'd be back as he left the room. I walked over to his wardrobe and opened it up, seeing all of his sweaters and shirts hung up. I recognized one that he always wore, it was a faded red hoodie with a black logo on it's breast that had a picture of a bird on it. It said "FREE BIRD" on it. I took it off its hanger and changed into it with a wide smirk on my face. I looked down at Kai's pants that I was wearing, baggy PJ's and sifted through his closet until I found a pair of tight skinny jeans that might fit. I put them on, and damn, I looked cute in Kai's clothes. His pants hung baggy on my thin hips, but the fabric around my calf's were tight, and they looked good on me. I smiled as I found my beanie from last night and pushed my bead-head into it, revealing my very pale forehead.

I heard the door creek open and Kai stepped in with a cup of water and a few aspirin for my raging hangover. "Hey you." He said eyeing my new outfit, "That's my favorite hoodie." He smiled and handed me the pills. A wicked smile played out on my lips and I swallowed the medicine gratefully.

"I know, I've seen you wearing it." I said sheepishly.

"It looks good on you." He told me, a fond look in his soft, brown eyes. I think that was his way of telling me I could wear it, and that he wanted me to.

"Thanks," I said bashfully and changed the subject, "So should we get going?"

"Probably, let me change first."

"Don't you dare go back into the closet mister!" I shouted, laughing.

"Just watch me!" He said back playfully as he grabbed some clothes and headed into the closet.

"No! Stop! I just got you out!" Playing along with the joke, "Please don't do this!" I dropped to my knees, bringing my hands up and grabbing one of Kai's pant legs.

"Jesus, If you really wanted to see me strip you should have just asked." He was laughing now, and I was too. I loved how easy it was becoming to be around him, and how awkwardness had turned to fondness, and worry became understanding, and how emptiness became fullness.

"Yes please!" I said,kind of serious, but mostly joking. I winked at him and he just smiled back, detaching his leg from my grasp and walking into the tiny closet to change in private.

When he came out he was wearing a tight black t-shirt and light skinny jeans, he kind of reminded me of a greaser from the 50's. He was so cute! We walked out of his room side by side and didn't pass his mother as we made our way to his truck. When we got in he told me I could pick the music so I turned it to the local indie-rock station and started to sing along with the song, to my surprise I heard Kai hum to the tune as well. Smiling, I looked over at the sweet boy and felt another surge of deep affection. I couldn't wait to kiss him. I wanted to be as close to him as I could, and I wanted him to feel the same way. So all I could do was smile at him as he drove me home.

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