Lia just smiled sadly. She doesn't know what to do but to be honest but felt weirdly thankful of Jacob's unwelcomed presence.

Folding the remaining tissue on the table, Jacob made a heart origami out of it and slid it to Lia. She smiled at the gesture forgetting for a minute that Dylan is still across the café shamelessly flirting with the b*tch.

"I'm sorry for everything. For what I did to you. To Kylie..." Jacob said.

Lia looked at Jacobs eyes incredulously. "Friends?" he asked reaching out for Lia's hand.

The heck. "Friends!" she replied with a smile.

"Lia what's this?!" Dylan came out of nowhere. Suddenly, he is standing next to their table. Lia craned her neck to check where the girl is but she's already gone.

Lia's eyes darted from Jacob and Dylan. The two of them glaring at each other.

"We're just talking..." Lia replied without looking at Dylan this time. She can't bear looking at him without the reminder of the girl a while ago.

"Lia we're leaving." Dylan decided and held Lia by the wrist.

Lia pulled her wrist free. "No!"

"What?!" Dylan asked surprised.

"I just saw you flirting with that girl!" Lia revealed looking straight at Dylan's eyes. "She has her hands all over you."

Dylan was silent for a moment. "It's not what you think." he said barely a whisper. "She's just a....friend." he stuttered.

"Just leave Dylan." Lia said putting her hand on her forehead concentrating on not crying.

"Lia, you can't just assume that. Here you are with this bastard holding his hand.."

Lia's eyes went wide and her eyesbrows shoot up. How dare him!

"How dare you!"

Jacob who was silent all this time held up his hand to stop them from having a full on fight. "Dude, I'm keeping her company. She's really upset maybe you guys can talk once you are both calm..."

"This is non of your business!" Dylan exclaimed glaring at Jacob.

"Shut up. Come on Jacob!" Lia said standing from her seat. She stormed out of the cafe with Jacob on her heels.

Standing inside the cafe with people stealing side glances on his way, Dylan was left slack jawed. He doesn't know what to do.

There are only a few cars parked in the area. It looks deserted. Lia took long fast strides towards her red convertible. Hoping and praying Dylan will not follow them. She feels exhausted and hurt. She can feel the lump in her throat as she holds back her tears.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks in front of her car. Jacob bumping behind her bending her over a bit. She let out a sigh and cried.

Jacob hugged her and let her wet the front of his shirt. He stroked her back comforting her. They stayed like than for a few minutes while Lia sobbed uncontrollably.


It's been days after the encounter in the cafe, Dylan kept on calling her and she just ignored him. She just can't deal with him yet.

Lia has been feeling sick. She's nauseous most of the time.

Reading a text message from Jacob, she sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen. Her mom is preparing dinner and it's just 6pm.

"Do you want 2 hang out?"- Jacob

Lia thought about it. There is nothing wrong with hanging out with Jacob. She replied with a yes.

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