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Dylan and Lia on top 😉

The party is going to be held by the beach. There is a huge stage set up for the DJ. Laser lights are already set up for a night of endless booze and dancing.

This is a bit disappointing for Lia since this place has been really tranquil and she likes it that way. This party will definitely destroy that tranquility. Anyways, it is just for one night.

Lia and Kylie spent time together. After Kylie told Lia about her secret their friendship is stronger. She just hope that Kylie keeps clear from Jenny. Jenny cannot stand for anything. What more to fight for Kylie. She just uses Kylie as her side chick when Jacob is too busy being obnoxious.

She noticed an improvement on Kylie's demeanor after meeting Cassie. They don't go out a lot since Cassie has a shop to attend to but they text and call each other almost every time of the day. Sometimes Cassie would suprise Kylie by showing up in their hotel unannounced and vice versa. They would stroll at the beach. Take silly photos and the likes.

Lia knows that Kylie has already moved on which is good though she has not talked to Jenny to end whatever they might have. She saw she has five or six unread messages from Jenny but Lia just kept her mouth shut. It is non of her business anyways.

"Li, let's go to this winding road to Hana", Kylie suggested.

"We don't have a car Kylie" Lia replied.

"But i do..", Dylan suddenly came out of nowhere with his hands in his pocket wearing aviators.

"ahmm I might have texted him." Kylie admitted with a shy smile.

Kylie dropped by Cassie's shop to pick her up while Dylan and her waited in the car.

Dylan has his arms around Lia while she is standing leaning against the side of the convertible. He has his forehead resting on hers. He kissed her nose. "I missed you"

Lia smiled. "We just saw each other yesterday."

"It felt like a lifetime", Dylan started kissing her on the lips then leaving a trail of soft kisses down her cheeks then neck near her throat. He burried his face on his neck inhaling her sent. Lia stroked his hair affectionately.They stayed like that for a couple of minutes not saying anything.

"We're here!" Kylie announced with Cassie in tow.

Dylan pulled away from her slowly and hesitantly. Introductions were made and they are on their way.

"We need to get back at 4pm. We need to prepare for the parttyyy!!" Kylie exclaimed.

Lia rolled her eyes. She is really not too keen to go this party. Dylan noticed this and reached out for her hand on her lap. "I will be there. We'll enjoy it as much as possible."

The drive to Hana's road is scary. There are blind sharp curves that you have to really slow down and be careful with. Good thing Dylan is a good driver and they felt safe with him.

The winding lane runs along a steep cliff which either ends up on a lush tropical forest or rocky shore of the ocean. There are times they stopped to take snapshots of the picturesque bridge and ocean.

After taking photos and eating snacks on the road going back to the hotel, the four of them agreed to meet up at 6pm to attend the party.


Preparing for the party, Lia and Kylie curled each other's hair and put on some make up.

Kylie wore a high waist distressed white shorts and a black racer front crop top. She tied up her curled hair in a high messy pony tail while Lia is wearing a cute black skirt and an aztec print black and white bandeau. She let her hair down this time. Flowing down her shoulders and back.

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