chapter 25

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I was stunned seeing Nithn, my breathing stopped. he was equally shocked on seeing me. 

"You?" I screamed involuntarily. He got up from his seat. 

"You know him before?" Diya asked surprised. 

"I ---," i was cut of by Nithin, "We were old friends, from same college," he replied smiling. 

"Wow, that's just great," Diya clapped her hands excited. I smiled forcefully, Nithin smiled looking at me. 

"How are you Ankita? Its been long," Nithin asked sipping his drink. 

I dug my nails hard into my palm to control my frustration, "I am fine what about you?" I asked avoiding his eye contact.

"Fine," he replied and continued with his drink. Diya kept on talking while Nithin and i remained silent.

I did'nt listen to a single word what Diya was speaking, i still could'nt digest that she is going to marry Nithin.

Suddenly Diya's phone rang, she excused herself and left us alone.

"Ankita I am sorry," Nithin said as soon as Diya left. 

I remained quite. 

"I know what i did to you was wrong, i was jerk but believe me Ankita I am changed now, I love Diya, I will never hurt her," he said.

"Why are you telling me all this Nithin?" I asked frustrated.

"Because Diya treats you as her sister, your opinion is important to her, she will surely ask you if you liked me, I don't want you to judge me from my past behaviour, i am changed now I want you to know that, Diya is my life i love her, I just can't leave without her," Nithin said with a sincere tone.

Should i believe him? Did he really change? I cannot take any risk with Diya's life.

"Hey missed me?" Diya said approaching us and taking her seat.

"Of course, I missed you sweety, I miss you every second when you are not present around me," Nithin said winking at Diya. Diya blushed.

"So what did I miss?" she asked facing me.

"Nothing much, Nithin was telling his love on you," I said smiling.

After finishing our dinner, Diya gave a hug to Nithin before leaving. Nithin whispered something IN her ears for which she giggled.

Nithin was never such romantic person before, he was never romantic with me, did he really change? Is he really loving Diya?

On reaching my flat I took a quick shower before going to bed, When i was about to switch off the lights my phone started ringing, It was Diya.

"Hey Diya," I received the call.

"Dhi did I disturb You? Are you sleeping?" she asked.

"No, I did'nt sleep yet was about to sleep, what"s the matter Diya?" 

"Did you like Nithin?" She asked shyly.

I remained silent as i did'nt have answer to her question.

"Dhi, you there?" 

"This is not important Diya, do you like him?"

"Of course I love him dhi, but i need your opinion, Did you like him?" she asked me again.

"Diya, this is your life, you should decide what is best for you, If you believe him that he would keep you happy through out your life then go for it," I told her.

"Dhi? why are you not replying to my question? I love him and I trust him but your opinion is important to me," she said sternly.

"What if I say no?" I asked her.

"Then i am not going to marry him Dhi," she said quickly without even thinking.

"I was just joking Diya, I like him he is perfect for you," I told her.

"Really? O my god I am so happy, thank you so much Dhi," She screamed with happiness.

I hung the phone after talking with her for a while, I could'nt sleep the whole night.

I need to protect Diya, what if Nithin is not changed? I should know the truth as soon as possible.





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