Chapter 19

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its a short chapter,!!!!!

Ankita pov:

I felt very bad for Arun, how could Pooja cheat him?

We both slept hugging.

The next morning when I woke up I did not find Arun beside me, but found a letter. I opened and read it.

Good morning beautiful!!

         ..... I had to leave office early. You were so cute when you were sleeping, I didn't feel like to disturb you so I am leaving this letter. Ankita take care, I told Bhabi to take care of you, she is a sweet person you will love her and coming to my mom, don't get hurt to her words.

Bye baby love you...;))

I smiled reading the letter. Getting fresh I got down. Rithika smiled seeing me, like she always does.

"Good morning Ankita, come I was waiting for you, lets have breakfast," She was so sweet and loving.

"Sure, but what about others?" I asked curiously as I didn't find anyone around.

"All of them had their breakfast, Arun, Kiran and dad left to office, Bablu left to his school, and mom is taking rest in her room, she is not feeling well," Rithika replied.

"What happened to Arun's mom?" I asked worried.

"Just a small headache, now come lets eat," she said arranging the plates.

Rithika asked our love story, how we met, how we got close, who proposed first etc.

I told her everything, she listened with excitement.

We decided to watch movie completing our breakfast.

While we were watching TV, someone blindfolded Rithika.

"Pooja, I know its you," Rithika giggled.

Hearing the name Pooja I instantly looked back to see her.

She wore pink floral gown. She looked beautiful, but I started to hate her for cheating Arun.

She sat beside Rithika laughing.

How could she be so happy, doesn't she feel guilty?

"Hey she is Pooja," Rithika told me.

I glared at Pooja blankly without speaking.

"We have already met yesterday," Pooja told Rithika winking.

I did not smile, I avoided her and continued to watch T.V.

After sometime Rithika left to kitchen.

Pooja got up from her seat and sat beside me.

What does she want now,?

I did not speak.

"I know you hate me, and I am sure Arun told you everything. Right?" she asked.

I don't want to talk to her, so I got up from my seat and started to leave.

"Wait," she gripped my wrist.

I glared at her angrily.

"Sit, please I need to talk," she requested.

I don't know why I listened to her and sat.

"What?" I asked rudely.

"Do you love Arun?" she asked me.

Whoa, where that come from? Why was she asking me that question, does she think that every girl is like her?

"Of course I do, I don't break heart of the person I love like you," I said looking at her.

She had tears in her eyes. But why?

"I am happy to know that, Arun is a nice and sweet person he deserves the best, and believe me you are perfect for him," she said smiling and wiping her tears.

I just glared at her confused. Was she guilty for cheating Arun? Or she is acting?

"I am happy for you both," saying she left.

I was confused with her behaviour, those were not fake tears, there was pain in them.

I helped Rithika in kitchen, she told me how she got married with Kiran, her love story, her hobbies everything.

I started to enjoy her company, Just like I enjoy Anjali's company.

I forgot to inform Anjali that I was not in India but Singapore, I decided to call her and know how she was.

Rithika arranged the lunch plate for Arun's mom.

"Where are you taking the plate?" I asked her curiously.

"To mom, as she is sick, I am taking her lunch to her room," she said.

"Oh, can I take?" I asked her.

"Hmmm, are you sure Ankita?" she hesitated.

"Ya I am sure," I said grabbing the plate from Rithika's hand.


I know its short...plz bear with me I am busy:((( I thought something is better then nothing;)))



I will try to write bigger next time...;)))

*love u all*

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