chapter 15

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Ankita pov:

"What? New york? why?" I asked her switching on the light.

"You know Ankita, I always dreamed to settle in united states, my uncle is running a business in New york, he offered me a job, and I readily accepted," she said with an excitement.

"But, your parents? Did they agree?" I asked her with a concern I know Anjali's parents wanted her to marry and settle down.

"They just freaked out on hearing, and you know what? They have arranged my marriage also, without even considering to notify me," she said angrily.

"What? Marriage? Who is the boy?" I was shocked, this girl is revealing shocking news one by one to me.

"I don't know, I don't want to know, I told my parents clearly in fact I warned them, if they try do my marriage I would kill myself," she said adjusting her pillow to sleep.

"Are you mad Anjali? How could you blackmail them? And as far as I know you don't love anyone, then why? Your parents know what's best for you, marrying person of their choice is not a bad idea," I told her the fact.

"Ankita, you know I hate to marry, I want to enjoy my life, I hate this responsibilities, kids and all I don't want to fall in this  crap, I love my life and I want to enjoy it," she said looking at me.

"That means you don't want to marry forever?" I asked being surprised.

"Yes, but I told my parents that I will marry after three or four years but in reality I don't want to marry," she said firmly.

"Anjali you are spoiling your life," I yelled at her. I was extremely angry on her.

"No, I am saving my life from being spoiled," she replied angrily.

"Anjali but....," I was cut off by her "Please I am tired, good night," saying  she covered herself with blanket and closed her eyes.

I too switched off the light and slept.

Next morning waking up I looked on side of my bed and Anjali was missing, I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was just 6.00am. Why did she wake up so early? 

Stretching my muscles I got out from my bed. 

My phone started to vibrate indicating a new message. 

It was Arun's message without wasting time I opened the message.

Good morning honey:-) you were in my dreams the whole night.

I blushed seeing the message and kept it on my bed and moved to the living room for Anjali. 

Anjali was having her coffee while reading a newspaper.

"Hey good morning," I wished her sitting on the coach.

"Morning, up so early?" She questioned me folding and keeping the news paper away.

"Same question goes to you too darling? I know you are not a morning person, then why did you wake up so early?" I asked her suspiciously. I know she was up to something.

"Actually I am leaving Ankita in an hour," she said keeping her empty  coffee mug on the table.

"What do you mean you are leaving?" I said seriously.

"I told you yesterday I am going to new york and I have loads of works to finish, I have no time, I just wanted to check you if you are fine, and now I am so happy for you and Arun," she said happily hugging me.

"But, think again Anjali please," I said realising her from hug and holding her shoulders.

"Oh common Ankita don't irritate me, I have decided, shit I am late I should leave now otherwise I will miss my train," saying she grabbed her suitcase waving goodbye to me she left.

On reaching my office I directly headed to my cabin. I was totally surprised seeing my cabin, it was beautifully decorated with flowers, heart shape balloons, I was in awe seeing my cabin.  

I rubbed my eyes with my fingers vigorously thinking that I was dreaming, but no its real. I reached my table and saw a beautiful red roses bouquet, there was a card hanging on it.

"To my dear wife" was written on it. I opened my mouth with shock on seeing it.

"Did you like it?" It was Arun behind me.

I was speechless, I ran into his arms and hugged him crying.

"Hey I thought you would be happy, and what I am seeing , you are crying?" he asked with a concern.

"Idiot, I am not crying, these are tears of joy," I said laughing in between my tears.

He released me from hug and went on his knees saying "Miss Ankita will you marry me?"

I simply nodded and gave my hand.

He put on a beautiful diamond ring to my finger.

"My god its so beautiful," I said smiling shyly seeing the ring.

He hugged me again.

"Arun don't you think its too early, I mean its just yesterday we confessed our love and today you are proposing?" I said kissing on his cheek.

"No its already late, I can't leave a single minute now without you, I am dying to call you as my wife," he said kissing me passionately. I too kissed him back, we were interrupted by his phone call.

"Oops its mom, just a minute baby will be back," saying he left the room.

I was in cloud nine, I saw my ring and blushed. After few minutes Arun entered the room panicking.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him with a concern, something was surely wrong.

"Ankita, we both are leaving to Singapore," he said firmly.

"Singapore??" I was shocked.

"Yes you are coming there as my wife, I have informed my parents that I have married you, be ready we are leaving today night, I will answer to all your questions in flight" saying he left the room leaving me in a shock.


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