chapter 8

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I have taken Ankita to a Chinese restaurant. She looked really gorgeous in the Saree. I asked her to order the food , "Anything will be fine," she said smiling. 

For the first time we talked about our personal lives. She told me how she lost her mother and how her father married his colleague, her step-mom never loved her. she did not like to stay in that house anymore where her mother does not exist anymore, so she decided to stay with her friend Anjali in her room., her face was glowing when she was talking about her best friend 'Anjali', she told how they both enjoyed bunking classes, shopping's etc. she discussed about her likes, dislikes, hobbies. I started liking her, she was independent, she was intelligent , innocent and i loved her blue eyes. All of a sudden she asked me to tell something about myself, I  told her that I  have loving parents who live in Singapore, I also told her about my little sister who is studying in Delhi.

"You are lucky to have a beautiful and loving family," she said with tears in her eyes, she controlled herself and changed the topic.,"So do you have a girlfriend?" she said winking her eyes.

Believe me I spilled my food out for the question she has asked, she was shocked with my behaviour I  apologised and wiped my mouth drank some water and said , "No i don't have any girlfriend".

"Ohh OK but why were you so shocked to my question?" she asked me with a confused expression.

"Nothing like that ,the soup was too hot," I said with a fake smile on my face.

We completed our dinner and we were walking towards the car. while walking I  touched her hand accidentally. she did not react at all may be she did not notice. I started my car, we talked about many things. I don't know why but I was loving her company.

Suddenly car got halted, I went out to check what was the problem, and I found out that one of the tyre got punctured. "Shit!!" I kicked the tyre with frustration. Ankita got out and started laughing. she was so cute.

"Why are you laughing? do you know what the time is? it is 10'o clock. how will you reach your home. are you not worried?" I asked her.

"My house is just ten minutes away by walk, I  mean I know the shortcut. what about you how will you reach your house which is far away," saying she started to laugh again. I got somewhat irritated.

"Hmm is this the way you treat your boss?" I said acting some fake anger.

"Ho I am sorry. I didn't mean to laugh but I  could'nt control ,sorry again," she stopped laughing and apologised.

"Umm its ok," I could not be angry on her never. I  thought to call my driver and ask him to pick me up. but he did not pick up the call.

Seeing me tensed Ankita opened her mouth,"if you don't mind you can stay in my flat for this night." she said adjusting her Saree, may be she was really uncomfortable with that Saree.

"Ok if you have no problem with me staying in your flat then I  too have no problem," I said smiling.

"Ok then lets go," she said and started to walk. I was following her.

I have never seen her from back today. She was hot in Saree from back I  could'nt move my eyes away from her.

We reached her flat within 15min. Ankita gave me water to drink.

"Hey you can watch t.v if you want please sit... i'll be back in ten minutes," saying she went to her room and closed the door.

I sat and started to read the book lying on the table "Tell me your dreams".

Suddenly I heard Ankita's cell ringing... Ankita left her cell on the table , I picked up her cell and saw the screen showing 'Nithin calling" I answered, 'hello" all i could hear was silence on the other side, again I said 'hello" this time more louder, now he disconnected the call.

I kept her cell back and continued to read the book.

Ankita opened the door and stepped out she was wearing white top and baby pink colour 3/4th pant. she looked cute in that dress.

"Hey its one of my favourite book," Ankita said coming towards me.

"My favourite too," I said smiling.

Wow our likes are also matching I thought to myself.

"Do you read books?" now she asked with a shocking expression.

"Of course I read. What made you think that I don't read?" I asked her closing and keeping the book on table.

"You are always so busy, with your work I wondered how could you manage time for books," saying she sat opposite to me.

"I read only on Sundays," I said.

Now she started to giggle

"Why? What happened?" I asked confused.

"Nothing," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"No tell me why are you giggling?"

I asked seriously.

"OK fine cool, I thought a handsome man like you would hang out with girls on Sunday's," she said with a cute puppy expression on her face

"I told you before I don't have a girlfriend and everyone is not lucky as you Ankita to get true love in their life,"  I said looking into her eyes. Her smile suddenly vanished. I wondered why.

"Hey its been too late lets sleep. you can sleep in that room," showing my room she went to her room and closed the door.

Why was her mood changed all of a sudden.

That night I couldn't sleep properly. I was thinking of Ankita's behaviour. What was wrong with her? I got off from my bed and went towards Ankita's room. I heard crying sounds from her room. I saw my watch it showed 3.30am.

I wanted to go to her and ask what her problem was? May be I could help her. But I thought it would be wrong to go into her room in this odd time. I decided ask her in the morning... and went back to my bed to sleep.


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