Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to Chaitanya Angel!!!!

Happy reading:))

Ankita pov:

I approached Arun's mom's room taking the plate.

She was sleeping on her bed staring the ceiling blankly.

I entered the room, she tilted her head to face me, instantly hers eyes reflected anger and hate.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" She screamed sitting up.

"I...i came to give you your lunch," I told her.

"Who are you? My servant,? We already have enough maids in this house," she yelled.

I remained quite, why was she so mean with me?

"Where is Rithika? Get out from my room?" she shouted pointing her finger towards the door.

Rithika came running and stood beside me.

"Rithika, why did you allow her to bring me lunch, if you cannot do a simple thing for me, then I would have asked the maid," she yelled on Rithika now.

"Mom I am--"

I cut her in middle and spoke, "It was not her mistake, I grabbed the plate from her."

Rithika squeezed my hand to be calm.

"Rithika tell her to shut up, I don't want to hear her voice." she roared loudly that made me flinch.

I ran out sobbing to my room.

Rithika followed me.

"Ankita, I am so sorry she is not angry at you, she wanted to see Pooja in your place, she needs some time, she will come to know soon that you are a sweet girl," Rithika sat beside me.

I hugged her crying. She patted my back comforting me.

"We all loved Pooja, we all thought Arun would marry Pooja, but none of us know what has happened between them, They did not bother to tell us, and all of a sudden Arun said he married you, we were all shocked." Rithika explained.

One thing I knew now, everyone in the house love Pooja. Why did Arun did'nt them what she did?

She does'nt deserve these people's love after what she did to Arun.

"Rithika, I can understand," I said wiping away my tears.

"Hmm, give her some time Ankita, she is a nice person trust me."

I nodded. She left the room after conforming that I was OK.

I decided to call Anjali, she is the only person who could make me smile.

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