chapter 4

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After 10 days.....

"Baby I am gonna miss you so much..... Call me often .... " Anjali said almost crying hugging her best friend Ankita.

"I will miss you too Anju... Its been late already gotta go ....bye " Ankita gave one last hug Anjali and ran towards her train.

In mumbai:

Everybody is busy with their own life... No one has time for anyone. That is Mumbai city one of the most busiest city in India.

Ankita entered into her apartment which was two miles away from her office.

She wore a simple long purple skirt with yellow top. She has put on some light makeup.

Left her hair loose, after straighting  with flat iron. She checked her self in the mirror again and again to make sure she was presentable.

She reached her office and enquired the receptionist about her appointment with Mr.Arun kumar.

The receptionist asked her to sit for a while until she conforms her appointment. Ankita took her seat.

Ankita pov:

I was so nervous,  I had no idea of my boss whether he was cool or arrogant.

Mumbai city was totally new to me, I actually don't know anyone in Mumbai.

While I was busy thinking about my life in Mumbai the receptionist informed me to go to my boss Mr.Arun kumar's cabin , she gave me directions to his room .

I walked nervously and knocked the  door.

"May I came in sir?" ....

"Come in," a sharp voice came from inside.

I opened the door and saw my boss  talking on the phone standing facing the window.

He was tall his voice was sharp and confident.

He finished his call in two minutes and turned towards me.

I was shocked to see him,

"You???" I droped my files in shock.

He was Arun the man who saved me that night in city club.

"Hello Miss.Ankita nice to see you again," he smiled at me.

I loved his smile. He was too hot in black suit.

"Err..umm I am sorry," I apologised picking up my files.

"Sorry? For what?" he asked smiling. 

God why does he smile always, his smile is making me mad.

"I was shocked to see you... I couldn't control my shock and I almost screamed," I said bending my head down staring at his well polished shining shoes.

"Its Ok I understand...I was shocked too to see you. Are you OK to join your job today or ...." I cut his sentence in middle, "No no I will join from now."

He smiled again at me. Why was he not understanding , his smile kills me.

"Good Mrs.sharma will guide you. may meet her in her cabin," he said working on his laptop. "Thank you ...I will work sincerely" I said with confidence... He stoped working and gave me a look smiling and went back to his work.

I exited his room and proceeded towards Mrs.sharma. She was a polite women she remainded me my mom, who I lost when I was 15 years.

My dad married his colleague after my mom's death. But I  never felt her like my mother.

Coming back, Mrs.sharma explained me all the work to be done. I was so busy with my work that  I did not notice the time it was evening 4.00.

The closing time.

Mrs.sharma came to my cabin and asked me to leave home. "But I did not complete my work yet," I said worried.

Mrs.sharma put her warm hand around my shoulder and said, "Dear don't stress too much, I have been watching you, your working hard and I  appreciate it but don't work too hard its not good for your can continue your work tomorrow don't worry go home"

Wow she was like my mom I  loved Mrs.sharma I  couldn't say no to her

"Fine I am going bye," I gave her a small hug before leaving.


Back in her room Ankita got  bore she really missed Anjali's company. She called Anjali and chatted with her for sometime.

When she was about to sleep Nithin called her, "HI darling how are you?" Nithin asked Ankita.

"Fine ya.. Getting adjusted to this city takes some time... And my job is fine.. I miss u".

"Miss you too honey"

They both chatted for another one hour and Ankita went back to deep sleep.

Next day morning she reached her office early and completed her pending work, and started the new work given that day.... Ankita was very sincere at her work....

Days passed on, its been a month since Ankita joined the office. She made many friends in she was intelligent and beautiful many male employees asked her for a date, Antika politely rejected them. 

Ankita and mrs.sharma bacame very close and now Ankita calls her 'Pavitra aunty'. (miss.sharma's full name is pavitra sharma)

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