chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to @Naveena Madipelly

Happy reading..:)) please vote and comment:))


Ankita pov:

"You are beautiful Ankita," she complemented me smiling.

"Oh thank you, Bablu is very cute," saying I kissed Bablu.

"Haha, he is naughty too," Rithika said laughing.

"Mumma,no milk I hate milk," Bablu gripped me very tight, in order to escape drinking milk.

"Bablu, don't make me angry," saying she grabbed bablu from me. He was crying heavily, his cute milky cheeks turned to tomato red colour.

"If you don't mind can I try?" I asked her who was struggling to make Bablu to drink milk.

"You? Are you sure? He never listens to anyone, very stubborn kid" Rithika said trying to pop the bottle in Bablu's mouth.

"Let me try once please," I requested her.

"Haha, OK sure, but I am cent percent sure you cannot make him drink," she challenged me giving Bablu.

"Ankita, I will be back in few minutes, its time for mom to take medicines, and all the best," she said winking at me and left the room.

"What ish yuur naam?" Bablu asked me with his wide eyes.

"My name is Ankita," I said smiling.

"Ankita," he said clapping his hands. He pronounced my name so perfectly.

"Why do you hate milk?" I asked him placing him on my lap.

"It ish not good," he said making a funny face while squeezing his nose with his hand. I laughed out loud seeing his cute expressions.

"I too hated milk when I was a kid," I told him.

"Really?" he asked me grinning.

"Yup really, I used to run far away when ever my mother used to bring milk for me," I told him. He started to chuckle.

"But one day, you know what happened?" I asked him making my eyes wide.

"Whath happend?" he asked me innocently.

"A big monster came to attack me when I was alone in my room," I told him immitating a monster.

"Did he hut yuu," Bablu asked nervously, he was scared.

"No, when he was about to attack me an angel appeared," I said smiling.

"Angel? you saw angel?" he asked with an amusement.

"Yeah, she told me to drink milk, she said that milk will give me full strength to fight with the monster," I told Bablu who was listening to my story with his mouth wide open.

"Then I immediately drank milk and fought with the monster, he got frightened and ran away from me," I said happily.

"I want to drink milk," Bablu said clapping his hands. I gave him his bottle, and within few minutes he finished drinking.

"Good boy," I kissed on his cheek and he immediately wiped his cheek with his hand.

"I am strong noow," he said showing his muscles.

"Yeah my Bablu is very strong," Arun entered the room. On hearing Arun's voice, Bablu jumped from my lap and went running towards Arun..

Arun lifted him and tossed him high in the air, Bablu was giggling continuously.

"Alun I missed you," he said hugging Arun very tightly.

"I missed you too," he said kissing on his cheek, but Bablu did not wipe his cheek as he did when I kissed him.

"Hey Arun, how are you?" Rithika entered the room smiling. I wondered why she always smiles.

"Fine bhabi," Arun replied.

"Your wife is beautiful Arun," Rithika said looking at me.

"I know Babhi, she is beautiful," Arun said staring at me.

"Ahem, Ahem," Rithika fake coughed seeing Arun staring me continuously.

"The bottle is empty, did he really drink milk?" Rithika asked picking up the empty bottle.

"Yaa mumma I drank full milk," Bablu answered without allowing me to answer.

"O my god, its amazing, thank you Ankita," she said hugging me. I Simply smiled.

"OK Bablu come, we should give them some privacy," Saying she left the room giggling.

"So, did my baby take rest," Arun said walking towards me. I nodded smiling. He came and hugged me and started to kiss on my neck, tingles started to pass in my body.

"Arun what did your dad say?" I asked him pushing away.

"Your so mean Ankita," He said making a cute face. I laughed seeing his face.

"Arun now tell me what did your dad say?" I asked him again.

"Nothing important darling," he came to hug me again.

"Arun, leave me baby," I said hugging him.

"No, you are my wife, I can do anything," Saying he removed my hair band leaving my hair loose.

He gently placed his lips on mine pressing me towards the wall.

I wrapped my hands around his neck while kissing, he placed his lips on my neck making me to shiver. Suddenly I pushed him hard away from me and ran out of the room.

I knew that Arun would get upset with my behaviour, but I cannot allow him to proceed further, it is against my values. I don't believe intimacy before marriage.

While I was descending the steps, I saw Arun's mother talking to someone in phone, seeing me she walked away to her room.

I sat on the couch grabbing one of the book from the bookshelf and began to read.

"I don't know what my son saw in you, I know its you who trapped by son you bitch," Arun's mother screamed on me. Silent tears were flowing in my eyes to her rude words.

"How dare you touch the book? You have no right to touch anything in this house, you are treated as untouchable here did you get it?" she shouted, I quickly placed the book on the table and began to leave.

"Your mother should be blamed for rising you like this, I know what your type girls what, money right,? listen I will give you lots of money to enjoy your rest of your life please leave my son and go," she said stopping me.

My blood started to boil, I cannot tolerate anyone whoever it is, talking bad about my mother. I controlled my anger by counting numbers.

"My boy loved Pooja, god knows what happened to him suddenly he left Pooja and left to India, I always thought Pooja will be my daughter in law, I cant understand how he married you leaving Pooja," she started crying. Who was this Pooja??  

Did Arun loved her?

"Just shut up mom, never compare that bitch Pooja with Ankita," Arun yelled while descending the steps. He came and stood beside me placing his hand around my shoulder and pressing me towards him.

"How dare you raise your voice on me?" Arun's mother yelled on Arun.

"Mom this is my last warning I don't want to hear that bitch's name in this house," he warned his mother.

"Arun," saying a girl entered the house, she wore a red strapless long gown, she was extremely beautiful. Her eyes reflected love towards Arun.

"Pooja, by baby," Arun's mom said happily walking towards her.

So she was Pooja? I saw Arun's face who was looking at Pooja with angry eyes.  

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