Chapter 3: The Park

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I woke up to Leaf's tv blaring at seven in the morning. Leaf likes to wake up extremely early in the morning to do yoga. I swear she's deaf, she always turns the tv on full blast. I rolled over and covered my ears with my pillows. Leaf's tv continued to keep me from sleeping, so I got out of bed. I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom leaves to go to work at six, so I had to make my own breakfast. I can't cook for shit either, cereal it is then.

I have nothing to do until noon. Green wants me to meet him at the park. I have no idea why he wants me there, but I don't mind. I'd like to know more about the both of them. I'll be able to ask Green those kinds of questions, Blue is kinda crazy, Leafy has the hots for him. I can tell by the way she acted around him last night. I guess I'll just watch tv with her until I need to get dressed.

I'm walking to the park right now to meet Green. I've never really noticed how beautiful Pallet Town actually is. Leaf and I were usually at the park at night when it was dark, so I wasn't able to admire the scenery. There are yellow flowers scattered around the sidewalks and wild Pokémon playing in the fields. I walked to the entrance of the park and saw Green's hair from a distance. Luckily his hair is spiky thats easy to see.

"Hey Red!" Green yelled from a distance while waving. I waved back and walked quickly over towards him. I sat down on the bench that he was sitting at and waited for him to talk. "So, how old are you?" He asked me. I guess he's just trying to learn basic stuff about me. "I'm 17." I answered. "Cool, I am too. Are you gonna start school in Pallet Town next semester?" He asked while playing with his fingers. "I am, I'll be going to Pallet Senior High." I replied. "Well, that's the only school in town, but I go there also! Have you seen it yet?" He said excitedly. I actually haven't seen the school yet, I should probably see it soon, I don't wanna get lost. "I haven't, but I should, I don't wanna look dumb on the first day of school." "I can show you it some day. This school is okay, nothing special about it. The girls hop from guy to guy and the dudes are tools. Blue is one of them." He explained. "What's wrong with Blue?" I asked. If my sister likes him, I would like to know what's bad about him. "Blue isn't a star student or someone to look up to. He skips class to hook up in the bathroom and is more into pot than his work." He said while crossing his arms. "That sucks, I thought Blue would be a good kid." I said. "Nah, not really. He's nice and all, but he can't keep his mouth shut. He's driven away his friends by how competitive he is. Blue is on the football team and trash talks to his own team." He explained with a sigh. "Do you play sports?" I asked. I was hoping to join the track team if there is one. I don't expect a school this small to have many sport teams. "Yeah I'm on the swim team." He answered. Hah, I'd like to see Green in a speedo. "I ran track back in Alola, I'm actually pretty good." I explained. "We have a track team, but it's really small, you should join!" He said happily. "Is there a dance team?" I asked. "Yep, the dance team performs during football and basketball games." "That's good, Leaf was on the dance team at our old school." "Enough about school, so, what are your hobbies?" He asked. His face became flushed when he asked that. "I like to travel. I want to see some of the cities here in Kanto." I explained. I've had my eyes set on Lavender Town, I'd like to see radio tower. "No way, I do too! I hike through the woods here in Pallet, it clears my mind of things." He explained. He was smiling wide now, looking up at the clouds. His eyes looked even brighter than yesterday. "I do the same thing. I like to run in forests." I added. "Was it hard for you to move here, like did you leave a girlfriend behind?" He asked. "It was hard, I didn't want to leave my friends, and I didn't have a girlfriend. I'm into dudes." I explained. Green's eyes opened wide when I told him that. "Oh that's cool, I'm actually gay also, but I don't tell everyone." He explained. YES! He's gay also! I guess I'll have to reel him in soon.

I was about to say something until my phone started ringing, Leaf is calling me. Dammit, I just found out he's gay too. "WHERE ARE YOU!" Oops, I forgot to tell her where I was going. Leaf's yelling was so loud that it startled Green. "I'm at the park with Green." I replied. "Why didn't you tell me! I didn't know where you went!" She yelled. Leaf doesn't like me to run off. She's like a Mom who has to know where her kids are at all times. "I need you to come home." She said. "Why?" "Cause I'm lonely!" She whined. "Ugh, fine." I said. I hung up the phone in irritation. If I told her no, she wouldn't stop bothering me. "Leaf begged me to come home, you wanna come over?" I asked. "Uh, yeah sure." He replied. Green and I got up and started walking towards my house. Leafy will love what I'm gonna tell her when we get there.

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