Baylee Kearra Gilbert

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I wake up in a panic because I hear Baylee crying, so I sit up wiping my eyes. Before I can even get myself out of bed the crying stops, I look up to see Brantley standing in the doorway with Baylee in his hands drinking a bottle.

"Well good morning, Mommy," Brantley says with a smile, and he walks over sitting on the bed with Baylee. Blaine runs in the room jumping on the bed in front of Brantley, and he holds his hands out to hold Baylee.

"Dad, can I please hold her?" Brantley smiles and puts her in Blaines arms.

"What is everyone doing up so early?" I ask.

"Mom, Dad was going to take me to Grandma's so I could go with her to shop for the barbeque," Blaine says excitedly.

"Mom wanted me to go ahead and take Blaine over there, so she could get him to help her prepare. We were going to let you sleep because you've been doing everything," Brantley smiles rubbing my hair.

"Well, I can go with you to your mom's because we have the baby photoshoot at twelve."

At three o'clock at the barbeque, I set Baylee in her playpen on Kolby's deck, and I walk over to Becky, Brantley, Kolby, and the band members that are deep in a conversation about the upcoming tour.

"Hey Sam," Ben says as everyone looks over at me," Are you going to be on tour this year? We enjoyed you last time."

"I'm not sure because Baylee is only a year old and Blaine is starting second grade. I think I may take at least a year. Plus I have my modeling career."

"That's okay. We will always have a spot for you on the bus," PJ smiles and nudges me playfully. I smile and look over towards the playpen.

"Sam, she's okay. Have a beer or glass of wine and relax," Becky says as she grabs my arm and walks me over to the cooler.

"I think I'm fine," I shake my head in protest," both of the kids are here and I need to focus on them."

"I promise it won't hurt," Becky says," but suit yourself." I walk over and grab Baylee out of her playpen. I walk her over to the grass and sit on the grass with her in front of me playing with the grass. Blaine runs over and starts playing with her.

"Sissy, you like the grass?" Blaine chuckles when Baylee smiles at him, "Mom, she enjoys the grass."

"She does, and you used to be the same," I say patting his knee. "Are you ready to start school back?"

"Not really. I'm going to miss Sissy," Blaine sighs.

"I know kiddo," I rub his head," but Sissy and I will be at home for two months before my next photoshoot. And Dad won't be leaving for three months."

"Grandma Becky said she will take me to SeaWorld this year," Blaine smiles faintly.

"That's exciting," I pull him in for a hug and kiss his head.

I whisper in his ear," It's all going to be alright."

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