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-Sorry it took so long. My ideas kept changing for this chapter, but I finally settled on this idea. I'm also sorry that college is kicking my butt, and I don't have much free time to write.-


"Do you, Aayden Blaine Monroe, take Samantha Elyse Quinn as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Aayden say as he smiles brightly at me, but suddenly I'm answering the door in mine and Aayden's house.

There is a man dressed in a fancy black suit holding a folder with a big stack of papers in it.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Monroe," the man says sorrowfully," your husband has died in combat." I fall to the floor sobbing. The only thing I can think of is Aayden Blaine Monroe and his friendly, handsome face.




"Sam!" I hear Momma B as I force my eyes open, "You're going to wake up Blaine."

"I'm sorry," I wipe my eyes from where I had been crying. "You would think two years would be long enough."

"Nonsense, my love. I brought you some hot tea," she says as she picks it up off the nightstand and hands it to me," I know it soothed you as a kid."

"Please don't tell anyone," I say before taking a sip of the hot mango flavored tea.

"You know I won't."

I look at the clock; it is five in the morning, so I tell Becky I'm fine. Then, I get up to get in the shower. I undress in front of the shower, slowly step into the walk-in shower, and turn on the hot water as much as I can stand it. I slowly wash my hair and body before I hear a faint voice say, "Mommy, can you come watch cartoons with me?"

I slightly open the foggy door," I'll be right down, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." My sleepy little man says as he walks out of the bathroom.

I turn off the water, and wrap my towel around me before I step out of the shower onto the cold tile. I walk into my room and slowly drop my towel in front of my mirror before I slip on my black lace thongs with a bow in the front, my black lace bra, a jet black tank top, and my burgundy jogging pants. I stare at the mirror almost not recognizing the face looking back at me, and I jump at the sudden knock at the door knowing it's not Blaine.

"It's open," I say almost inaudible. Still looking in the mirror, I watch the door inch open, and Brantley slips in the door.

"Is everything okay?"

"All is well," is all I can get out.

"Don't lie to me, Sam," he says softly," you've never been good at it."

"Don't come in here like you know me," I say angrily and not knowing why.

"Sam," he sighs.

"Just go back to being some fancy country star with a fiancé and on the rode all the time. You weren't there for me two years ago when I needed you, and I definitely don't need you now!"

"Samantha, you know I would have been there for you, and the rest of my life is not part of this."

"You act as if we were never a thing."

"We were a secret."

"Dammit, Brantley! I let you go, I let my dad go, and I let my husband go! It's all my fault!"

Brantley's face and voice softens," Sam, none of that is your fault."


"Your dad had cancer-not your fault-I had bigger dreams-not your fault-your husband was a Marine-not your fault." I grab a fist full of Brantley's shirt to pull him close, and I hug him as I begin to cry. He rubs my back and holds me tight, but he also begins to sing in my ear to sooth me.

(Sorry it is short.)

BG's new oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora