What Happens Next

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Momma Becky decided to keep Blaine for another night, so I cooked dinner for Brantley while he was at Kolby's house. Kolby need Brantley to help him shop for his girlfriend's birthday. I offered to go, but Kolby said Brantley wouldn't be able to think straight with me there. I sit at the table finishing up my work which is for an online business I work for as the dinner stays warm in it's pot waiting for B; he said he would be home by six. It is now seven-thirty, and suddenly my phone rings. It is Brantley, so I answer it putting it on speaker.

"Hey babe," he says and by his tone I can tell he is about to tell me something I won't like.

"Hey. Where are you?" I ask still staring at the laptop screen.

"I'm still at Kolby's. It may be a few hours before I come home," I answer with a sigh before he continues," can you come over here? We need your help." I hear a girl laughing in the background, and I know it is Kolby's new girlfriend.

"I'm working right now. Plus I made you dinner; it was done at six," I say aggravated.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, Sam."

"It's whatever," I roll my eyes.

"Sam, please come over to Kolby's and I'll make it up to you."

"I'll be there soon," I say before hanging up. I take my time getting ready to go to Kolby's to make B wait on me.

When I pull into Kolby's driveway, I see Becky's car, Brantley's truck, Kolby's truck, his girlfriend's car, Tyler Hubbard's car, and Brantley's dad's truck. I scratch my head confused on why they are all at Kolby's house. I hop out of my car walking to the front door as I lock my car by the remote. I knock on the door still anticipating what was on the other side. Kolby opens the door hugging me tight. I look around seeing everyone occupied by the company of everyone.

"Did someone die?"

"No," Kolby says as he lets me go.

"What is everyone doing here?" I ask as I walk past Kolby. Blaine runs to me hugging my legs making me forget what I asked Kolby. "Hey buddy."

"What took you so long?" Mr. Gilbert asks me as he walks to the living room.

"Hey Mr. Gilbert. It's been a while."

"You were a knee-high young'un," he chuckles, "I've been out on the farm."

"Brittany, Sam is finally here," Hayley says standing beside Brittany, Tyler and Brian.

"Sam, would you like a drink?" Momma B asks.

"No. Where is Brantley?" Momma B giggles at my question, and everyone runs out the door except for Momma B. She just smiles and hands me a letter. I open it and written in Brantley's scribble it says:

"In the beginning, we were silly kids which led us to doing crazy things."

At the bottom of the paper, mud was smeared. I giggle to myself because we always went mudding on the four wheelers which were in the shed.

"To the shed?" I ask Becky, and she nods to confirms before I sprint to the shed. I open the shed to see Brittany and Hayley which are holding signs that in Brantley's scribble says:

"You have made it, Babygirl. Yet there is more. We were teenagers when we decided to be secretly together, but where?"

I smile because under the old oak tree at the edge of the property line is where Brantley and I decided to secretly mess around. I run to the old oak tree to see Brian and Tyler standing under it. Tyler is holding a radio with a cosset tape in it. Brian hits the play button so I can hear Brantley's voice from the radio say:

"Don't give up on me yet. You're almost there. Just remember that before me and you there were them."

Before I headed off for college, Momma B told me about her and Mr. Gilbert's love story and how they met in a open field. I walk to the field beside Kolby's yard where Mr. Gilbert is holding a poster with nothing more than an arrow on it. I follow the arrow to where Kolby is in a deer stand.

"Brantley's best friend is holding the last clue, but he is where you and Brantley confessed everything to me." I take Kolby's hint and walk to the front yard where Blaine is standing with a poster in front of his body that only says, "Yes or no?"

"Yes or no what?" I ask curiously. Blaine smiles and throws the poster on the ground.

His shirt reads, "Can Brantley be my dad because...."

"Because what?" I ask and Blaine just points behind me as Brantley walks over to me. He gets down on one knee, and my heart begins to pound.

"Will you marry me, Samantha Elyse?" I tear up, but I can't breath. I drop to my knees hugging him tight. "Can I put the ring on your finger?" he asks, so I hold out my hand as he slides the ring on. I look around to notice everyone is surrounding us, but I still cling to B.

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