No Matter What, You're Always There(FB)

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(Since there are a two babies now and a few kinks in the time line FB will be the Flashback chapters, but PT will be the Present Time chapters)

 I fly to Georgia, seven months pregnant, to make it to Momma B's family dinner. Aayden, my husband, is in Iraq, so I go alone. When I make it to the airport, I get off the plane and get my luggage. I then see Kolby there waiting on me.

"Damn, that baby makes you look huge," he says as I approach him.

"If you don't be nice to me, I will get Becky to kick your butt."

"Don't get too worked up. I don't want that baby to come popping out," he laughs as he grabs my luggage and heads toward the truck.

When we get to Becky's, Kolby helps me out of the truck, and we walk in together.

"There is my pregnant princess," Becky says as I walk in.

"Momma B," I giggle as I hug her. She rubs my belly gently and smiles at me.

"Come relax," she smiles as she leads me to the couch.

I listen to everyone talking in the kitchen when I hear, "My girl is hear?" Brantley walks into the living room and repeats, "My girl is hear!" He sits next to me and asks, "How's the little fella doin?" He pats my belly, "Plus I still haven't met the husband."

"He's in Iraq right now," I say before rubbing my stomach, "but the little boy is doing good." Everyone migrates to the kitchen and leaves me and Brantley alone in the living room.

"It's different being in this house with a little one on the way. It seems like yesterday we were kids in this house."

"It sure does feel like it was yesterday, but I haven't seen my best friend in quite a while."

"Brantley, I'm sorry we haven't talked in so long," I apologize.

"It's not entirely your fault." It falls silent, until Brantley asks, "Is he treating you right?"

"Brantley Keith, are you jealous?"

"No. I'm just concerned about my best friend."

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I believe you are," I giggle.

Two months later, I go into labor and get rushed to the hospital. Aayden is still in Iraq, and I have no one in Florida. My first reaction is to call Brantley.

I wait for Brantley's voice to come the phone before I begin to cry, "Brantley, I'm scared. I'm at the hospital. The baby is coming."

"I'm on my way, Babygirl," he says before whispering to people away from the phone, "the fasted I can be there is in three hours, but I promise I'm coming."

"Thank you, Brantley," I say before the medics make me hang up.

Five hours later, I wake up after I've given birth and took a nap. I look over into the hallway where I see Brantley leaning against the doorway on the phone. I can't hear him, but I can tell he's worried by the way he is standing. I reach over to grab the pitcher of water as I spill it all over the floor. Brantley turns around and quickly hangs up the phone.

"Sam, are you okay? Is my little fella okay? Don't worry about the mess; I'll clean it up."

"Brantley," I say as he walks closer, and I grab his hand, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Brantley stops his minor freak out and kneels beside the bed and gently kisses my hand. "He's down the hall in the nursery. He's beautiful. You should go see him."

"Sam, I don't want to leave you right now," he says gently.

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