Another Flashback

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"Sam, I know you don't want the boys to know about your father, but I can't lies to my boys," Momma B tells me.

"It's embarrassing. I know I shouldn't be, but I don't think the boys will understand," I sigh, "I don't want them to think differently of either me or my dad. But they will know something is wrong if I stay the night."

"You're staying either way. I'm not letting you stay in that house upset by yourself."

"If they ask can we just tell them that he is sick? Just for now." I ask her pleadingly.

"Alright, but if things get worse you have to tell them," Momma B says.

"Yes, ma'am," I say as I nod.

"Tell us what?" Brantley asks as him and Kolby walk in the kitchen where Becky and I are sitting at the table.

"Does Sammy have a boyfriend?" Kolby asks jokingly.

"No, Kolby, I do not," I say sticking my tongue out at him. Brantley walks over to me and sets a hand on my shoulder, but he doesn't speak for, until Kolby tilts his head sideways to stare at B.

"Now," is all B says before he swiftly throws me over his shoulder.

"Brantley, don't hurt Sam!" Momma B fusses. Kolby lead the way to the backyard where the pool is. Brantley tosses me in the pool as he and Kolby laughed about it. Without thinking I got out of the pool and threw a lawn chair at him. I walked inside locking myself in the bathroom. Normal I would laugh and push them in, but with all the stress going on I guess my temper got the best of me.

After an hour of me hiding in the bathroom, I walk out and Momma B is asleep in her room, Kolby is watching tv on the couch, and Brantley is nowhere to be found. I sit down beside Kolby on the couch.

We sit in awkward silence, until I sigh, "I'm sorry. Today has been extremely rough, and I guess I can't hide it from you and Brantley anymore."

"Sam, if you don't want to tell me than don't. I understand, but Brantley is the one you need to find and talk to. He snuck out after Mom went to sleep. Said something about David."

"Shit!" I say because David is the worst guy Brantley could be hanging out with. I run down the street to my house. I change my clothes, throw on my shoes, and run out of the house to go find Brantley. I walk around town to find him, but I already know where he is. I walk to the local pub where that David's father owns. They are in the alley behind it sipping on beer in a circle of guys.

"Brantley Keith!"

"Who the warden is here," Jeff, a guy that goes to the same school as me, says.

"Damn it, Jeff. Shut the hell up or I'll kick your ass," I say sternly. Jeff walks closer to me, until I can feel his breath on my face. "Back up, Jeffery."

"What are you going to do about it?" he asks as he gets closer and leans down a little. I take a step back to get a little space between us, so I can punch him in the face as hard as I can. He whips his head around to face me sternly after the punch jolted his face sideways. Quickly, there are two bodies separating us; Brantley is in front of me, and David is in front of Jeff.

"Sam, you should have stayed your ass at the house!" Brantley yells at me.

"If I didn't have to worry about you giving your mother a heart attack, I would have stayed my ass at the house! But you want to bring your stupid ass out here with dumb ass David!"

"You're the one that freaked out on me!"

"My father is dying, Brantley! He's fucking dying!" I yell, but I swiftly grab Brantley keys out of his pocket. "You're not driving home," I say a little softer, "I'll wait for you to finish. I'll be in the truck." I walk to the truck, hop in, and lock the doors without another word.

After about an hour, Brantley gets in the passenger side of the truck. "Sam, listen," Brantley says, but I just hug him tight.

"Don't say anything, please," I sigh, "let's just go home." I put the truck in drive and drive to the Gilbert house. Brantley and I sneak back in, and Brantley walks me to the guest bedroom. "Can you lay with me for a little while? I just don't want to be alone."

"Of course," Brantley says as we both sit on the bed. I take off my shoes and get under the covers as Brantley follows my lead. I lay my head on his chest

When I wake the next morning, Brantley is gone, but I'm cuddling with the person sized teddy bear Brantley had won at the fair when we were ten. I sit up to look around the room. The only light in the room is from the window above the bed, but it illuminated the entire room. I slowly stand up beside the bed before walking downstairs.

"Good afternoon," Becky says as I round the corner to the living room.

"Good afternoon," I say as I look out the window where Brantley is playing football with Kolby and a few of the guys from down the road. I watch as they begin to run and tackle each other. I run upstairs and throw on clothes ( ). I run back downstairs and out the door. I run over where the guys throw the ball to Brantley, and I tackle Brantley as a few boys fall on top of me.

"Good afternoon, sleepy head," Brantley chuckles as everyone gets off of us. I stand up smiling.

" I want to play," I smile.

"That's my hat," Brantley glares at me.

"I know it is," I smile.

"Are we going to play or cluck like hens," Mike asks. I throw the ball at him, and we get into formation.

After hours of playing football, we call it quits because the only lights are the street lamps.

"Bye guys," me, Kolby, and Brantley say in unison as the other guys walk down the street. I sit on the porch as I turn Brantley's hat the right way on my head to cover my eyes.

"I'm going to see what mom's cooking," Kolby says as he heads in the house. Brantley walks over and sits beside me without saying a word; he gently places his arm around my shoulder. 

I lay my head on his shoulder before saying, "Brantley, I may be living here for a while. I'm sorry if things get rough. I don't want our friendship to get weird."

"Sam, you know you are my best friend and there is nothing you can do or say that will make that any different."

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