Meeting Again

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It's Sunday; we meet at Momma B's on Sundays after church especially when Brantley is home. Blaine is in the kitchen helping Momma B cook as I set up the table. Brantley, Jana, and Kolby arrived ten minutes ago, but they have not walked in yet. Brian Kelley, Brittney, Tyler Hubbard, and Hayley texted me about an hour ago saying they were about to head towards Momma B's as well. As I set up the last plate , glass, and silverware, Brantley walks in with his arm around Jana. I glance at them with a smile and walk to the kitchen.

"Blaine, go clean up for dinner," I say as Jana walks in the kitchen.

"Sam, I'm sorry about our last encounter. I hope you can forgive me," she says.

"It's not a big deal," I smile, but I don't believe her apology.

"I understand if you're still mad, but I am trying to apologize."

"Yeah, I know," I say as I wipe off the counter trying to avoid looking at her.

"Damn it, Sam," Brantley says angrily," she is trying to be nice."

" I'm trying to ignore her existence long enough to make Momma B's dinner successful." I hear the door open and close.

"Brantley, Jana, and Sam, how is life?" Brian asks as he walks in hugging all three of us one by one. Tyler follows in and does the same. Brittney and Hayley follow behind and kisses mine and Jana's cheeks. They all hug and kiss Becky. Blaine bolts down the stairs to join all of us, and immediately Brian and Tyler start rough-housing with him.

When everyone finished dinner, Jana looked at me and asked," So where is Blaine's father? Is he a deadbeat or something?" Everyone sat with their mouths open, until I stood up silently and walked out onto the patio. Luckily Blaine had already gone upstairs to get ready for bed. I walk across the yard and sit on my knees under a big oak tree. My eyes tear up, but it seems like forever before the first tear drops to the ground. The love of my life is gone forever, and there is nothing I can do about it.

***Kolby's POV***

Brantley keeps his eyes glued on Sam, until she bolts over to the oak tree and falls to her knees. He then glares over at Jana; he nearly growls at her, "Go to the house. I'll get Kolby to take me home."

"You can't seriously th-" Jana tries, but Brantley looks as if he is about to start throwing things. The rest of us are almost frozen into our seats.

"I said go home," he growls at her again," now." With those words, he stands and walks outside. Jana grabs her stuff walking out the door and slams it behind her. Brantley sits beside Sam and wraps his arm around her.

"Kolby, where is Mommy? She usually reads me a story before bed," Blaine says catching me off guard.

"What if I read you a story?" I ask trying to distract him to give Sam time to calm down.

"That would be awesome!" He says grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs.

*** Becky's POV***

After Jana's stunt, I watch Brantley sit on the ground with Sam with their backs to the house for hours, and then I go upstairs to check on Kolby and Blaine. When I open the door, Kolby is asleep with Blaine and Blaine's head is laying on Kolby's arm. I turn off the light and shut the door. I walk back downstairs to see Sam sitting in Brantley's lap and crying on his shoulder like they did when they were in high school.

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