Kolby's Birthday

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Besides Brantley, Kolby is one of my best friends. He is always there for me; that's why Blaine and I decided to throw him a huge birthday party. I set up Brantley's backyard for ATV racing, target shooting, and balloon humping. Balloon humping was Brantley's idea, but he thinks Kolby will love it. I walk inside to put all the alcohol in the fridge, and Brantley is grilling the food. I look out of the patio French double doors to see Brantley fighting with the grill. As he gets frustrated and kicks the leg of the big grill, I giggle to myself. In the living room, Blaine is sitting on the couch with Sylo watching Tom and Jerry. He laughs as Jerry torments Tom. Brantley walks through the patio door with a frustrated look on his face.

"Are you having trouble?" I ask him as I put the last bottle of whiskey in the bottom drawer of the fridge. I close the fridge and turn to see him grab the lighter fluid.

"This should get 'er started," he smiles mischievously. He walks back outside to the grill. I walk over to Blaine and sit beside him and Sylo.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"No, Momma. I'm fine. Look at Jerry. And Spike," he says without ever taking his eyes off the TV screen. I walk outside to take Brantley a bottle of water.

"Thanks for letting me throw the party here," I say as I hand him the bottle of water. He opens the water to take a big swig of it; then, he goes back to cleaning the grill thoroughly again. "I hope Kolby likes it."

"He'll like it. I don't mind having it here."

"B, did I do something wrong?"

"No, why would you think that?"

I look at him confused, "You will barely talk to me, and you have been like that since Sunday."

"It's not you, Babygirl," he says, and I look at him genuinely surprised. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I feel my face get warm as I think about it, "You haven't called me Babygirl since high school." He shrugs like he doesn't car, and continues to cleaning the grill. I shake my head, and my smile drops into a discouraged frown. I walk back in the house to start making the birthday cake. As I mix up the ingredients, I think about what I could have possibly done to make Brantley in this mood, but I am drug out of my thoughts by Brantley's phone ringing on the counter. I pick it up and take it to Brantley. I notice it's Jana's picture as the contact picture. I sigh as I set the phone in Brantley's hand because I figured she's calling to say she's on her way.

"Hey, babe," B immediately answers the phone as I walk in the house.

At one o'clock in the morning, everyone has left the party even the birthday boy, Blaine has been sleeping in Brantley's room since nine o'clock, and me and B are cleaning up the house. I finish up the last of the dishes as a hand runs down my shoulder and stops at my elbow.

"Why don't you go lay down with Blaine?" B says as I look over my shoulder at him.

"Just let me finish up a few more things," I say softly as I look back at the counter and wipe it off.

"You're so stubborn."

"Like you aren't?" I say a little ruder than expected.

"Whoa," he says as he spins me to face him," what's with the angry tone?"

"You've short answered me all day. You called me 'Babygirl' as if it still has the same meaning, but we both know it doesn't." He pins me against the counter with his hands on either side of me on the counter holding him just inches from my face. He is so close that it brings back memories of every time we've kissed. I just want to feel his lips brush against mine. I close my eyes and take a breath to steady my breathing and heartbeat.

He whispers in my ear," Babygirl, I still want you the same way I wanted you all those years ago. I'll always want you." He then walks upstairs like nothing ever happened, yet I stand here stunned and wanting him. The only problem is he is not mine to want or to have. He belongs to Jana, his fiancé.

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