College Versus Nashville

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"Sam, you are the only one that keeps Brantley straight around here. He always gets in trouble, but with you around he doesn't. He's going to Nashville now, and I am not asking you to go with him. I just want you to check on him to make sure he is okay occasionally."

"Momma B. I can't promise anything. I'll be in Florida in college, and if we stay in touch we do. We may not though. I'm scared of losing my best friend, but I can't promise after our fight that it will all be okay."

A year later, I walk into a bar with my friend Cassidy, and there he is sitting on a bar stool. There is a girl reaching for his hat, but he sweetly swats her hand away as he pulls down his bill.

"Is that Brantley Gilbert?" Cassidy whispers to me.

"Yeah," I say as my heart beats against my chest. I walk over and sit beside him without looking in his direction.

"Samantha Elyse?" he says curiously, "What are you doing here?"

"Brantley, I am here with a friend having a beer."

"You don't drink beer without something to drown it."

"That was before college and a heartbreak," I sigh.

"Who broke your heart?"

"I'd rather not talk about it. It's been a long time. I heard your first album is out," I say as I put one hand on his knee. I quickly pull it back because I hated how natural it felt.

"Brantley Gilbert, I'm Cassidy. Sam is my roommate at college."

"Cass, sit down and grab another beer. Brantley is a long time friend."

" You have to start telling me about your past," Cassidy says downing a beer. I down a few beers before I start drinking harder liquor, which isn't recommended.

When I wake up, I'm in a room, but not my hotel room. I hear a shower running, but my head is pounding too hard for me to lift it up to look around. I lay there staring at the ceiling for what seems like an eternity when I hear the bathroom door open. I glance up to see Brantley in nothing but a towel.

"Hot damn!" I grin.

"Well, good morning."

"The last time I saw you like that was..." I trail off thinking about our fight before we both left home.

"You didn't even tell me good bye before storming out," he says remembering it too. I sit up quickly noticing I'm in his t-shirt from the night before.

"We didn't do it, did we?" I ask praying in my head that we hadn't.

"Nope, you threw up all over your shirt and my bathroom," he chuckles. I stand up to see I'm also wearing his sweatpants. I walk to the bathroom, and accidentally brush against B which causes his towel to fall. I run all the way in the bathroom and slam the door. He laughs from the other side of the door, "You've seen all of this before."

"I can't pretend like that fight never happened, Brantley. We both said some hateful things, and I may have fallen back into your arms last night. But I can't let everything just go back to the way it was."

"Is that why you are talking to me from the other side of the door? Come on, Samantha. I thought you had matured, but you're looking about the same and acting it too."

I sling the door open and throw his clothes at him as I stand there in a bra and panties, "Do you not get this? You were leaving and so was I. Our fling had to stop, but that didn't mean you had to tell me we were never going to be anything more than friends! I was in love with you, asshole! Everyone could see it! I know you could too. You just ignored it! Your mom asked me to go to Nashville with you, and I thought about it. I was going to give up college for you. I wanted to be your roadie! Now, I don't even want to be in your presence." He looks at me confused as I go through his closet to see if I could find something that fit me better. I pull out a bag that had pictures of me, Brantley, and Kolby, an old Avenged Sevenfold shirt of mine, my old teddy bear I threw at him when I left last time, and a coin-machine ring he got me when we were extremely young. I start to tear up, but I turn around to see Brantley sitting on the bed with his head in his hands- he's now wearing jeans. "You kept all of this?"

"Yeah," he sighs, "I've missed you." He looks at me softly. I quickly grab a shirt and sweatpants of his. I change and grab my keys and shoes before quickly walking out the door. I nearly ran to the bar down the road where my car had been parked and not moved last night.

A couple years later, Cassidy walks into mine and Aayden's house.

"Sam, I have good news!" she hollers from the foyer.

I reply from the kitchen," So do I!" She walks in the kitchen and holds up Brantley Gilbert tickets.

"I know your friends with BG, and he is having a concert here in a couple of days. I bought you and me tickets."

"Thank you!" I hug her tight," but I'm pregnant." I hold up the ultrasound.

"Oh my god!!!!!" she says hugging me really tight.

After the concert, Cassidy told me we had backstage passes. We walked to the back, and I saw him signing autographs.

"Don't tell him I'm pregnant," I said as I slip my wedding ring into my pocket.

"Samantha?" he says over the crowd. I smile sweetly, and walk over to him.

"Brantley, it's been a while."

"Yeah, I'm 6 months sober, now," he says.

"She's two months," Cassidy starts before I glare at her," better." Brantley looks at me confused.

"It was nice seeing you, but we should go," I say grabbing Cassidy by the arm and running out.

BG's new oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora