Conditioning: Classical and Operant

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The following is a yandere Fyodor scenario requested by sceptrum-glaxiem. Sorry for taking so long to get around to it. There were lots of other requests I had to complete first. Thank you for being patient with me!

I feel like this got OOC because it's a yandere but also because I've never written something like this before. Hopefully it still turned out ok.

As you all probably know yandere fics contain violence and abusive behaviour. I do not condone this type of relationship in any way. Additionally, this one got borderline nsfw.


You were running late. Therefore, there was a need to panic.

It wasn't that there was something you would miss if you were late. Instead, the consequence of your tardiness would be a positive instead of a negative. Without the reference to operant conditioning, this would mean the addition of an event rather than a removal. Returning to the terms used in operant conditioning: you would receive a positive punishment.

Conditioning seems like a foul word. Though it is something that all humans practice. It is commonly used by parents on children, owners on their pets, etc. He used it too.

You ran through the streets, wondering what would happen this time. The adrenaline pumping through your veins had eased the aching in your legs and tunnelled your vision.

You had underestimated how long it would take you to get back. You supposed that this was something you needed to pay more attention to. Though within you, there was still a need to rebel rather than submit. Instinct versus the desire to be free.

When you finally entered the building you were breathing heavily. Steading your breath was your first priority, as your breathing only added to the anxiety you were feeling.

You stepped out of your shoes and hesitantly called towards the next room "I'm home" you said.

You stood in the front room for a few moments, still attempting to calm your breathing. After what felt like an eternity to you, your boyfriend emerged from his office, chewing on the side of his finger habitually.

"Good of you to finally arrive." He smiled eerily at you, sending a stab of anxiety through your chest.

"Fyodor... I'm so sorry, I lost track of time" you mumbled.

"Isn't that the excuse you used last week?" he replied smoothly, "I won't accept the same excuse twice."

You backed up into the nearest wall as he began to approach you, gritting your teeth in anticipation.

Fyodor grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Tell me, do you wish to loose your independence?"

You shook your head from side-to-side, hoping that this would be the end of it. He released your chin, but still stayed in place so as to block your path.

"You must come home on time. It isn't safe to be out past when I've told you. I do this for you, I've said so many times. The world is full of terrible people, sinners who would tear your soul to shreds. Until I can rid the world of them all, I must protect you, my only light. Do you understand?" Fyodor said.

You quickly nodded a "yes" at him. Fyodor's eyes seemed to bore into your own, giving you goosebumps. With increasing difficulty you attempted to look back with confidence and stand your ground. You hoped that this would be the end of it for today.

"I don't think you do."

Fyodor produced a switch blade from his pocket. You began trembling at the sight out it as Fyodor flicked the blade out. He examined it for a few seconds, almost as if he was checking if it was sharp enough. However, you knew that he was always prepared.

"If you move it will hurt more, and I won't ease the pain for you." Fyodor stated.

You stood stock still, as if your body had automatically obeyed his words. Fyodor smirked at you once again, as if he was relishing in your obvious fear.

He brought the blade down to the side of your neck slowly, stopping just as you could feel the cold edge of the blade on your neck. It was a few agonizing seconds before punishment began.

Both pain and pleasure suddenly hit you like a tidal wave. As the blade was pressed into the side of your neck Fyodor's knee pressed between your legs hard.

You gasped at the sensation. The sharp burning in your neck continued at the same frequency, even as the blade was tossed aside. You could feel both the blood dripping from the wound and Fyodor's breath near your neck.

Fyodor's breathing was abnormal, dripping with some sick form of excitement. "I told you I would ease the pain." he muttered.

Fyodor licked over your wound and then began sucking on the spot. His knee ground into the space between your legs. You were unable to hold back the moan that pried it's way through your lips.

Seemingly satisfied with this, Fyodor removed himself from you. You stared at him, wide-eyed and breathing heavily.

Fyodor's current smile seemed calmer, though still hinted at something sinister beneath the surface.

He spoke once more before leaving you alone with your thoughts. His words almost sounded imbued with a softness unknown to you.

"My only light, it would be in your best interest to obey me. I am the right hand of God himself. All I say is truth to you."

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