I Love You (Epilogue)

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Two hours past and they all finally asleep. Mira was sleeping on the couch while the boys were on the floor snoring away. Natsu and Gajeel snores are loud. Well that's not the point here. My point is that I'm stuck on the floor with Jellal on my right and my mom on my left. Seriously how am I going to sleep throughout the night?!? Well Jellal sleeps like a child while clinging onto me and his head resting on my chest. Mom on the other hand is using me as her pillow with her leg on top of mine. "They both are the same, sleeping like a child." I said to myself, smiling while watching them both sleeping.

Sometimes I do wonder what my mom does when she goes to work for months and comes back rarely. It might take years of even few months before she has a long break. "Erzy..." I looked at mom mumbling my name in her sleep as she turned to the other side.

"Thirsty..." I spoke out softly all of the sudden feeling my throat dry. I quietly, slowly taking off Jellal's hands and rested his head on the floor. I quickly got up and went over to the fridge. I found some juice in the fridge as I took two bottles out and slowly walked out to the balcony which was just right outside the living room.

One thing I like about this place is the scenery, especially when the sun sets and rise. I took off the bottle cap and gulped down my drink till I heard someone opening the glass door. I turned around seeing Jellal rubbing his eyes while walking sleepily towards me. "What you're doing here outside Erza?" he said and yawned.

"Nothing, just admiring the view." I said while looking down at the city of Magnolia. I offered him a bottle of juice I got from the fridge. "Want some?" He nodded and took it. "Thanks." He opened up the cap and drank it all to the finish. "How come you're not sleeping Jellal?" I asked as he rest his hands on the balcony. "I was enjoying sleeping till you moved."

I chuckled, "Sorry, I was thirsty and I thought I wanted to catch some fresh air before I get back to sleep." He suddenly came over hugging me from behind. I blushed feeling his warm breath over my neck. "Jellal..."

"Just 5 minutes...stay like this..." he said softly. I felt butterflies in my tummy as I held his hands that were around me. Sooner or later I felt his warm lips touched my back. Kiss from the back which means confirmation...I smiled softly as I quickly turned around smashing my lips onto his. At first he was shocked till few seconds pass he closes his eyes enjoying the moment.

We let go of our kiss, gazing into each other's' eyes. "I love you Jellal..." He smiled resting his forehead onto mine. "I love you too..."


Opposite of Erza's apartment lies a man, sitting while enjoying his wine. He watched the two lovebirds from afar and smiled to himself.























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