Oh My Gosh

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It was almost eight in the morning on weekends. I'm still sleepy even though I have a job at the cafe with Mira at nine. I yawned turning over to my right side. I stretched out my hand till I felt something soft at my palm. I opened one eye and saw a man sleeping beside me. I shrieked falling off from the bed as he groaned slowly sitting up on the bed. "Geez you are loud you know." he said as I snapped. "Who are you and what are you doing here in my room?!? Hold on wolf ears and a tail?"

He gave a stare at me till I looked around searching for that cute little wolf that saved me last night. Then I realize and started asking him, "Uhm...are you the one that saved me last night? Are you some sort of..."

"I'm a werewolf."

Wait a werewolf? I thought that was fairy tale story but no...they do exist in this world. Don't tell me there could be vampires around too. "No way! You are a werewolf?!? You're that wolf that saved me from last night?" I said feeling nervous and scared at the same time. He chuckled licking his right hand that was injured, "Yeah, those fools needed to be taught a lesson." I watched the moment his injury from his right hand heals.

Then he started to take my injured arm and started licking it. I flinched moving my arm away, "Stop licking me!" He frowned, grabbing my arm and licking at the wounds. "Shut up and let me heal you redhead." I watched feeling amazed as the wound heals. He let go as I looked at my arm. I blushed immediately and spoke out, "Thanks for saving me yesterday, but don't you call me REDHEAD! THE NAME'S ERZA!"

"Geez you are too loud human!"

"Don't call me human I got a name and its Erza! You got that Jelly!?!"

He gulped, "Jelly?!? Don't call me that!"

Both our faces were at each other arguing for a while, calling names to each other till we gave up in the end. "Jellal Fernandes." I turned around as he spoke up, "Jellal, that's my name." I sighed and gave a pat on his head. "What was that for?"

I grinned as I replied back, "Nothing." Now I realized he looks cute with those ears and the bushy tail behind. He looks so cool with that red tattoo on his right eye. He's... beautiful.

He looked at me, "Is there a problem?" I shook my head and ran straight to the bathroom, "Nothing!" I sighed feeling my heart beating fast. Oh my gosh what is happening to me? What in the world a werewolf is doing here in my place. Just calm down Erza, just act normal and try to get him back home. Yeah I should do that.

After washing up everything I came out of the bathroom and still finding him on the bed looking at the window. I gasped when I realized he was fully naked. "Hold on we need you to get some clothes!" I dashed storming my clothes that were big and loose ones which I rarely wear and handed it to him. "Here." He stared at the shirt, "It will be tight on me." he said turning his face towards the window.

I sighed heavily and forced the shirt on him. "Hey what are you..." Finally I managed to put the shirt on him as he gave me the pout look. He looks so cute in the pink shirt although it manage to cover until his thighs. He looked at the shirt and pulled it, "It's too tight for me."

"Hey!" I said as I look over at the time and it was almost nine. "OH MY GOSH I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK! Wait, you're coming with me!" I grabbed his hand as I took my stuffs before heading out of my apartment. "What?!?" Oh wait he can't go out like this! People will start noticing later. "Quick change into your wolf form." He sighed as he changed back into a wolf. I ran all the way to the cafe and crashed through the door. "SORRY I'M LATE!"

Mira looked up and waved, "Oh no worries Erza, I'm late too since I have a lot of work to do last night." I put down my stuff, put on my apron and started working. Mira noticed Jellal as she asked me, "Hey Erzy is that your pet?" She said pointing at Jellal. I gasped thinking of how to say it. I pulled her around the corner and explained everything.

"Wait really?!?" She asked excitedly in her high pitch voice. I nodded my head, "Yes but please keep it as a secret." She winked back and gave the Ok sign.


Mira followed me back to my place and of course Jellal too in his wolf form. "Ok Jellal...I wanna see your human form!" said Mira excitedly as Jellal looked up at me. "Not to worry she's my closest friend. I trust her." Then he changed to human form with his wolf ears and the tail. Mira straight away started touching his ears and played with his tail. "Oh my so soft and fluffy! I could almost sleep with it." Jellal almost squealed like a girl the moment Mira pulled his tail. "Mira please!" he said as she stopped and gave a smirk at him. "So Erza, what are you going to do about his clothes. HE should wear something instead of your big shirt."

"Well, I don't have anything that fits him."

"Ok wait here! I'll get some clothes from him." she said as she dashed off somewhere. An hour later she came back with two large bags of mens clothing. I gasped seeing how much she spent on the clothes. "Mira did you use all of your money?"

"I saved it from my pay. Don't worry I've got plenty." She took one white shirt and handed it to Jellal. "Here wear this and this black pants. I wanna see how you look like."

He took it and went into the changing room. Few minutes later, he walked as I gasped seeing how cute he is in that outfit. Mira have a good sense of fashion. "Perfect!" Both me and Mira said as he blushed and scratched behind his head nervously, "Thanks."

"But you might need to hide your ears and tail if you want to go outside." said Mira as I agreed with her.

He grinned and immediately the ears and the tail vanished. He's so good looking even without his ears and tail. What is this feeling burning up inside me and why is my heart beating fast?

"I think someone is in love~" Mira whispered into my ear as I gasped backing away. "Mira!" She giggled and left later after a while. "Thanks Mira. I'll see you on Monday!"

"See ya! Oh and Erza, don't do crazy stuff. You know what I mean."

I scoffed as she laughed getting in the elevator. I closed the door and sat over the couch trying to settle myself. Suddenly Jellal came over as he took a few strands of my hair, sniffing it. I blushed, "What are you doing?"

"Your hair is beautiful. I love the scent of strawberries." Is he complimenting my hair? I played with my bangs, "Thank you, no one has never compliment my hair before."

"Really? Well I think it's nice." Out of the blue his stomach started growling erupting the silence. "Hungry aren't you Jelly?" I smirked while patting on his head. "Hey I thought I told you not to call me that!" I chuckled as I headed to the kitchen and made something for the both of us. Besides I'm hungry too.   

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