Epilogue 2

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Calum's pov

Four years. I haven't seen Zoe in four years. I miss her, a lot.

I had to leave,though. She hated my guts. I did not want to wake up every morning and see the hatred in her face.

Am I going to tell you where I am? No because you will probably go tell Zoe. Did I get all 300- something voicemail messages? Yes. Did I ever bother replying? No because my balls aren't big enough and I'm too scared.

"Calum, which dress looks better?" She asks me, holding up a black, sparkly dress, and a red, silly dress.

"The red will fit you better," I give her a small smile.

"Thanks, babe," she gives me a kiss on my cheek.

I wait outside the store, while she uses my credit card to pay for her dress.

She walks out and thanks me, again. I just nod. Oh how I was tired of her. One year of dating this bitch and at first she was great, but, now, she is revealing her true self and I can't stand her. I don't know why I dated her. I knew it wasn't going to last long. She was no Zoe.

"What's wrong with you, today? You're so moody," she nudges me.

"Nothing," I mutter.

"You're thinking about Zoe, aren't you?" She starts to get upset.

I don't answer.

"Calum, it's been two years. Get over her sorry ass. She hated you. She probably still does. I'm here loving the shit out of you, but you don't see that because you're to focused on Zoe!" She screams, causing people's eyes to be on us.

"You don't even know why she hated me. She had the right! And do you love me or love my money?" I start to raise my voice.

"Please, tell me why she hated you," She ignores my last question.

I didn't want to tell her. She didn't deserve to know.

She gets up all in my face, "Tell me, now."

She repeats this line until I yell, "I pushed her onto a road, and she had gotten run over because of me! Is that what you want to hear?"

"Oh, are you mad? Are you going to push me? Do it!" She continues to get up in my face.

I get past her and storm off. I go outside and grab a cigarette. What a bitch.

I take out my phone and see one more message from Zoe. I open it and play it on speaker.

"Hey, Cal. It's me, again. These past four years have been shit. I can't have fun because I'm always worrying about you. Obviously, you don't care. So, I'm done. I'm done trying. Goodbye."

It did kill me to hear her say that, but it killed me more that I have been the reason she hasn't done much in the past four years.

I hear high heels stomping fast, behind me. Oh lord. I turn around and there she is.

She throws my credit card at me, "I'm done with you."

Great. Two girls done with me. I didn't care about her, though. I was done with her way before. I only cared about Zoe. Last year, I texted Mali for the first time, and all I asked her was how Zoe was and she told me that Zoe wouldn't laugh or smile, anymore, which made me super sad. It also reminded me of when we first met. I don't know if my presence in her life was a good or bad thing. I came with lots of baggage and drama. She didn't need that.

I walk back to my apartment and when I get there most of her stuff is gone. Thank god. She also took some of my shirts and sweaters, which I will, definitely, make sure to get back. That bitch is not wearing any of my clothes.


I took a swig of beer, and a bite of my pizza. "Come on!" I yell at the tv, as I watch soccer, alone.

I was pretty drunk. You know what people do when they're drunk? They text their ex. Wanna know what I did? I texted Zoe. I texted her saying that I missed her and that I was okay. Wanna know what I did after? I blocked her number. Why? If she responds, it'll lead to a whole conversation, then sober me will get mad at drunk me.

I heard my phone buzz, but I ignored it. Then, it kept buzzing. Curious, I looked at it. They were texts from Michael, Luke, and Ashton. They were all just texting me at the same time: Asshole! Answer Zoe; hey dumbass get back here; I'm going to slit your throat bitch. How could you hurt Zoe like this; unblock her number!

I laughed, blocked all of their numbers and slowly, but softly, I closed my eyes, and let my brain shut down, so I could get a nice slumber.


I kinda liked this chapter :)) and yes I know I never revealed Calum's girlfriend's name and I kept referring to her as she or her, but who cares!

Thank you to anyone reading !💓

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