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Calum's pov

She didn't love me anymore.

I lightly bang my head on the metal bars, I was trapped behind. I've been here for three days. I was tired and hungry.

Two men, dressed in suits, approach me. One was the man who arrested me.

"Calum, Zoe doesn't want to press charges or get you in trouble. Although it's not really up to her, it makes a big difference. So, instead of going to trial, we will have a brief discussion with a judge. This is your lawyer, Counselor Mike Ramos," Detective Palmer says, and introduces me to my lawyer.

I agree and the metal bars open, for my lawyer to join me.

When detective Palmer leaves, my lawyer starts, "What you did was domestic violence, but having Zoe decline the fact you did anything wrong helps a lot. The judge knowing you were a foster child, abused physically and mentally, also helps."

I stayed silent, nodding my head. Why was he trying to make me the victim here?

"Are you ready?" Mike stands up, straightening his tie.

"We're going now?" I ask.

Mike nods and we leave the cell. He puts me into a car and we drive to court. When we get there, Mike tells the front desk lady something, and we enter an office, where Detective Palmer was waiting, along with ADA Smith, whom I met yesterday.

"Have a seat, Calum," Judge Quinn says.

I cooperate and take a seat, along with my lawyer next to me.

Judge Quinn starts, "I have read your file and your actions were Domestic violence. However, Zoe has called, multiple times, making sure you don't get in trouble. She has convinced me that you're a good man. You will not serve any jail time, but you will have 4 months of probation. If I hear that this has happened again, I will not hesitate to throw you in jail. Do you understand?"

I nod, smiling, "Yes, your honor. Thank you."

Zoe really cares. Maybe she really does, still, love me.


Zoe's pov

I sat there, in a wheelchair, while Ashton signed hospital papers for me to get out.

Before leaving, Dr. Martinez walks up to me and smiles, "I'm glad you are getting out, but you need to stay on bed rest for a couple more days because of those ribs, alright?"

I nod and thank her, as I get wheeled out through the doubled doors.

Ashton helps me into the car, and sets the wheelchair in the backseat.

While we drive, Ashton gets a call from Luke. Ashton answers his phone from the car, so Luke's voice is projected from the car speakers.

"Ashton! Calum, somehow, got out and is here. We are trying to get him to leave, but he won't budge!" Luke exclaims.

Ashton looks at me, worried.

"I'll be fine. Just leave him there," I tell Ashton and Luke.

"Oh ok," Luke hangs up.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with him being around you," Ashton sighs.

"I'm not going to even notice," I assure him.

We get to the apartments and Ashton forces me to get back into the wheel chair. He opens our apartment door with his keys, and I'm greeted with Welcome Home banners, my friends, and the fresh scent of cookies. The apartment was decorated with Christmas lights and a, pretty big, tree.

Then, there was Calum. He tried to talk to me, but I ignored him and wheeled myself into the bathroom. I didn't have my own room, so to get my alone time, I had to use the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror, and almost cried. I looked hideous. My hair was nappy, I had gotten some acne, and my face lost its color.

I decided to take a shower, since I haven't taken one in forever. When finished, I wrapped my towel around my body, and entered Michael's room to get my clothes. I knew he wasn't in there because I could hear him cursing, while playing video games, in the living room.

I throw on a Pink™ , long sleeve, with some navy blue joggers. After I get dressed, Lexi walks in.

"Hola mejor amigo," she smiles.

(Translation: Hi, best friend)

"Hi," I smile back, as she grabs a comb, to comb my hair for me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

I shrug, "I guess I'm alright."

"You better tell me if Calum bothers you. I'm not afraid to kick his ass," she warns.

I chuckle, "I will make sure to let you know."

She hugs me and leaves, and I follow.

I sit down on the couch, while everyone stared at me.

"Luke, can you put on a movie?" I ask, noticing he was the one with the remote. I figured the movie would take everyone's eyes off me, but it didn't. Maybe it was because Calum had, also, been eyeing me from the table behind the couches.

I looked at him for a quick second, and he caught me, and signaled for me to go over to him. I did because I wanted to hear what he has to say, without handcuffs attached to his hands and an officer behind him.

"You look good," he smiles.

I roll my eyes, "What do you want?"

"I want to know if what you said at the hospital is true. Do you really not love me?"

"No, Calum. You broke my heart, when you first laid your hand on me. I couldn't process anything at that moment. You decided to get drunk and when I told you that we should talk, you told me that you regretted ever meeting me and pushed me! So, it sounds like you didn't love me, first! Do you expect me to love someone who would hurt me, and didn't love me?"

A few tears slip his eyes, "I'm sorry. You know I am. I wasn't thinking and I was mad about how the meeting with my parents went."

"Calum, we were all mad! But, Mali and I didn't drink a bunch of beer, just to get drunk and hurt someone! You know what? I can't. I can't do this anymore. Just talking to you makes my body ache," I spit.

I leave the room, with everyone's eyes following me.

I knew I was a bit harsh, but he deserved it. I don't why, but I still do love him. I can't believe that I do, but I do. I knew he never meant to hurt me. But I can't forgive him.

Can I?


I don't really like this chapter, but whatevs.

Thank you to anyone reading!💓

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