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Zoe's pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

It was Calum.

"Hello?" I groan.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" He asks.

"Yes, so this better be important."

"Please come back."

"Calum, we need this space away from each other. I'm still mad at you and you need to get over your little crush."

"Little? I really like you. It's not that easy to get over you."

"Calum, please don't start."

"Zoe, I can't stop! I'm always thinking about you and how I should be the one with you. You find this guy and you instantly get with him, when I've been trying to get with you for about a month!"

"I can't deal with you right now. Our time apart, includes phone calls and texts." I hang up.

Right on time, Andre walks in.

"Morning babe," he smiles.

"Morning Dre," I lean in and kiss him.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Oh my god, yes. This bed is so comfortable," I say.

He laughs.

"Go freshen up and get dressed. My mom is not home, so I'm taking everyone out for breakfast," he tells me.

"Aw you're so sweet," I tease him.

He just rolls his eyes and tells me to hurry.

I freshen up, put on some makeup, and leave the bathroom to get dressed.

I go back into the room to find Andre still sitting on the bed.

I shrug and open my bag to find something to wear.

I pick out my red and black flannel, my black, tight, crop top, my ripped, white, jeans and my Nike air Max's.

"Damn. You're always looking better than me," Andre looks up from his phone.

"Maybe it's because you don't try," I tell him.

"I really don't. I don't even know what fashion is," he shrugs.

"Your sweats and shirt tell me that," I laugh.

He was wearing really baggy, navy blue sweats and a bright yellow shirt.

"Help me, then. Pick an outfit out for me," he insists.

I follow him to his room, and to his closet.

He had lots of nice clothes. It wouldn't be very hard to put a nice outfit together.

I grabbed cargo pants, that scrunched together, tightly at the bottom, and a black and white Thrasher shirt.

"You're good," he smiled.

"You're stupid," I laugh.

I leave so we can both get ready.

I change into my outfit and decide to leave my hair down.

"Ok sexy, lets go," Andre winks at me, after barging in.

I start to grab money from my suitcase, when Andre stopped me.

"My treat," he smiled, intertwining our

I smiled back at him, and we started walking to the car, with his siblings following.

"You look really pretty! You need to teach me how you get you're eyeliner so perfect," Talia starts talking to me.

Run away// C.H. (NEW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now