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Calum's pov

I woke up feeling like hell. I ate a lot of food last night, and drank a lot. Can you blame me? It was thanksgiving.

The only reason I was awake at 9 am was due to the sound of pans, and plates clanging, and curse words flying out of my girlfriend's mouth. I don't blame her; she cooked her ass off yesterday, and now she has to do the same today for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Everyone, except for Andre and his girlfriend, decided to spend the night at our house. We had Ashton, Luke, Michael and Luke's brothers in one room, Michael's parents and Luke's parents in another, and Lexi's family in the other. It's not like we have much room. It's an apartment. That's also why Zoe and I were sleeping on the water mattress on the floor of the living room, Lexi was on one couch, and Mali was on the other.

"I'm going to put myself in the oven!" Zoe yells, as I hear many metal items fall to the floor.

I get up to go help her, "Babe, let me help."

"Please!" She begs. I was surprised at her answer. She hates help.

I take over the pancakes, while she continues to make the batter of the blueberry muffins, cut fruits, and make scrambled eggs.

I hated seeing her stressed, but it also made me happy because I would picture as a mother cooking, while our kids would run around her, yelling what they wanted to eat.

"Calum, I know my ass is sexy but the pancakes are burning!" She laughs, noticing me staring at her.

"You're right about one thing: the pancakes are burning," I joke.

She scoffs, and throughs some of the blueberry batter at me. I lick it off and shrug.

Two hours later, everyone in the apartment was sitting at the two tables, laughing, talking, and eating.

I look at Zoe to see her laughing with Mali, which made me happy. The two girls I promise to protect, for as long as I live. They were important. 

Mali excuses herself from her conversation with Zoe and walks over to me.

She stares at me and says, "I need to show you something."

I nod, and follow her outside onto the flight of stairs, placed outside our door.

She sits down and opens her laptop, and I sit beside her. When she opens it, I notice she has many tabs open. ONE had a picture of this middle aged woman, and middle aged man.

"Who are these people?" I ask her.

Her eyes water, "Our birth parents."

It took me a while to process it. This screen was projecting pictures of two people who didn't care for me and gave me up.

I was enraged, "Why are you showing me this?! Why should I care?!"

"Calum, they're our real parents. You should care a lot," she says.

"They don't care for us," I scoff.

"You don't know that!" She closes her laptop.

"Really?! I don't?! I think I've known since my first ever steps were in a foster home! My first ever word was said in a foster home! My first ever laughed was caused by foster parents! So, don't you dare tell me that I don't know! You're the one who doesn't know! You don't know how much damage, knowing them will cause."

I storm away onto the, now, quiet streets of New York.

My head was roaming to many different thoughts. I wish it would stop.

After walking for what I thought was forever, but was only five minutes, I hear the sound of, familiar, furry, slippers, running towards me. I turn around to see my girlfriend. Worry had taken over her face.

I stopped and when she reached me, I hugged her tiny body, so tightly, she could, probably, hear my heart beat.

"Oh, baby," she wipes the tears that had managed to slip out.

"I saw them," I cry more.

"Saw who?" She asks.

"My real parents. These two adults that had two mistakes, and threw them for other people to take care of them," I explain.

"I think you mean two adults that missed out on two lovely people, who will never turn out to be as rotten as the adults," she assures me.

"Only because there is one girl who directs the boy onto the right paths," I refer to Zoe as the girl, and myself as the boy.

She smiles, tilting her head up, so she doesn't start crying.

I rest my forehead against hers, "God, I love you so much."

A notice a little tear slip out of her right eye, as she closes both of her eyes. I kiss her forehead and grab her hand, taking her along on my little walk.

She wipes her tears, "Mali told me about them yesterday. They live in Philadelphia. Would you go see them?"

"I don't know. I don't know if I even want to know anything about them."

"What if they have a reason for giving you two up?"

"I doubt it."

"You don't know they're story and I think it's fair that you hear it."

"Hear their story? What about my story? Do they wanna hear how many homes I've been in and how nobody wanted to keep me? They haven't even tried to contact us," I sigh.

"I get that you're mad, but, oh, if I could have one more second with my parents it would be great. They weren't the best but they're still my parents and I would give anything to see them," Zoe cries.

I hug her closer to me, "I understand. Maybe, I'll talk to them just for you."

She smiles, "Thank you. I'll even go with you, if you want."

"Of course, I want you to go."

She continues to cling onto my arm and we continue walking.

What did I just agree to?


I kinda like this chapter. Idk why.

Thanks to anyone reading !💗

Run away// C.H. (NEW STORY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang