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Zoe's pov

I woke up, my body aching, and confused. All up in my face were Lexi, Mali, Luke, Ashton, and Michael. They were smiling, probably because I was awake.

I ask, "What happened? I don't remember anything."

Lexi's smile fades, "Calum pushed you onto the street, and you got run over. They had to do some surgery, but they haven't told us your damages. And don't worry, Calum is in jail."

My eyes widened, "Jail?!"

Yes he was an ass, but he was a drunk ass who couldn't control himself. Obviously, I wasn't going to forgive him, but I didn't want him in jail.

"Yes," Ashton says, "He's in jail for domestic violence."

"It was one soft push! It was my luck that a car came by. He should not be in jail for this. He's not like that. I want to talk to the officers," I demand.

I thank Law and Order: SVU for teaching me how all of this works.

"They've left. And why are you defending him?" Ashton asks.

I ignore his question, and project mine, "What was the name of the person that took him?"

"Detective Palmer," Michael says.

"Lexi, can I borrow your phone? I don't know where mine is."

"Actually, I have it," she grabs my phone out of her back pocket.

I thank her, and search up Detective Palmer NYPD. I get many results, including a phone number. I call it and he answers, after two rings.

"Detective Palmer, NYPD, how can I help you?"

"I'm Zoe Irwin."

"Good! You're awake! I will be down there to get your statement."

"Actually, I don't want to press charges or anything."

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but that's not your choice. I'll see you, soon," He hangs up.

I get frustrated and slam my phone on the table.

Ashton gets closer, "Zoe, maybe it's best if he gets punished for what he did to you."

"He did it to me. Maybe I should decide if he gets punished."

"Zoe!" Lexi stomps her foot, "Are you blind?! I almost lost you because of that fool. You could have died! You think he should just get off with a warning. For gods sake, think of all of us and how worried we are, instead of worrying about the one who put you here!"

She was right. I was being stupid. Calum almost killed me. I can't see it that way, though. Why do I love him so much? Why can't I just pull away from him? I can't.

"I want to see him. Just to get closure and I'll let him go," I sigh.

"Thank you," Lexi calms down, and allows Luke to take her out of the room. The rest decide to follow the two, out of the room.

The doctor, then, came in, "Hi, Zoe. I'm Dr. Martinez. How are you doing?"

"My body is aching, pretty badly," I tell her.

"Well, you do have fractured ribs, a fractured pelvis, contusions, and you had some pretty bad cuts on your head that we stitched up," she informs me.

"When do I get to leave?" I ask.

"In about 3-4 days, depending on how you're feeling," she lightly smiles.

I thank her and she leaves.

Minutes later, the detective shows up, "Hey, Zoe, I'm detective Palmer."

"I know," I grumble.

"What happened that night?" He asks.

I stay silent. He asks, again, but I don't respond. He sighs, "I need to know."

"I need some rest," I turn over in the hospital bed, so my back faced him.

He scoffed and steps away to leave, but I ask him, "Can I see Calum?"

"If you cooperate with me, I'll see if I can bring him here," he says.

I nod and he sits back down on the chair, waiting for me to tell him. "Earlier that day, I took him to see his real parents. They were total asses and he thought drinking a bunch of beer would help him. We got in an argument and I followed him outside where he told me that it was my fault that I took him to them and proceeded to tell me he wished he never met me," I stop there, hesitating to say the last part.

The detective asks, "That's when he pushed you onto the street?"

"It was a light push, but I tripped over the curb, so I had a big impact," I try to defend Calum.

"Okay," the detective sighs, "I'll get Calum in here, later, but you guys have to be supervised."

I nod, and he leaves.


There stood the tall, black haired boy, by the door, in handcuffs. His eyes start tearing up as he walks towards me. The police officer following him, stops him from getting too close.

"Oh, Zoe. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so sorry," he cries.

"Sorry will not heal me, Calum," I tell him.

"I know. So, what does this mean for us?"

"I'm sorry, Calum, but," I struggle to help the words leave my mouth, "I just don't-- and can't-- love you anymore. You hurt me physically and emotionally."

"I'm so sorry," he falls into his knees.

"Just go. Please," I turn away because looking at him hurt too much.

He leaves, with his head down, and leaving his tears all over the floor.

All of this was not supposed to happen.



thanks to anyone reading!💗

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