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Zoe's pov

It's been 3 weeks since Calum and I confessed our feelings.

We've been a bit flirty, and Ashton has started to suspect some things.

Andre and I are still friends. In fact, he helped me pick out the college I want to go to.

I chose Parsons, the new school for design. I discussed my decision with Michael's parents and they were totally on board with it. They were so sweet about it all and I couldn't thank them enough.

Calum and i also went in for our interviews at Shoe Palace and now we are waiting for them to tell us if we got the job or not.

"Hey Cal," I plop down next to him on the couch.

"Hey Zoe," he smiles.

"I heard you finally picked a school you want to go to. What is it?" He asks.

"Parsons," I tell him.

"That's close to here! That's great!" He jumps up.

"Well, we have to see if I get in," I say.

"You'll definitely get in," he nods.

"I hope so," I sigh.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ashton walks in.

"The school Zoe is going to go to," Calum replied.

"Oh. Where are you going?" Ashton asks me.

"Parsons," I repeat.

"Really? Clothing?"He joins us in the couch.

"It's what I like!" I defend myself.

Calum decides to leave Ashton and I alone.

"I'm glad you're deciding to go to school," He changes moods.

"Thanks," I mutter.

"I'm serious. I know I haven't been the best brother in the world, but I'm only a hard ass because I want to protect you. I understand that you're grown and you don't need me but I feel like I should be looking over you," he explains.

"Ashton, I get it, but you don't need to stop me from doing some things, just so you can protect me. You're my older brother and I'm always going to need you, but just not like the way you've been acting."

"Okay," he nods.

"I think you should try it out with Calum," Ashton's catches me by surprise, as these words slip out of his mouth.

"I just got out of a relationship, though," I tell him.

"But, I've seen Andre, around,with this girl, a couple of times," he shrugs.

And all this time I thought that I would be a bad person if I moved onto someone else.

"Oh," I Mutter.

"Hey, it's okay. I know you like Calum and he definitely likes you, so go for it," he smiles.

"Thanks, Ash," I smile and hug him.

"I made a dinner reservation at Olive Garden for you guys at 8," he adds.

I chuckle, "Olive Garden?"

"Hey, im not a millionare. Just go enjoy their breadsticks. Olive Garden's breadstick, not Calum's," he says, making me laugh.

"I promise," i tell him, while still laughing.

"Now, I have to tell Calum about the dinner. But you should get dressed and do all that stuff that makes all you girls take 10 years to get ready," He waves me off.

Run away// C.H. (NEW STORY)Where stories live. Discover now