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Zoe's pov

I was having an anxiety attack, while staring at my closet. Nothing seemed nice enough to impress Calum's parents today.

I couldn't stop breathing heavily. I felt horrible.

"No te preocupes, estarás bien," Lexi assures me.

(Translation: Do not worry, you'll be fine)

"I hope so. I don't feel so fine, right now," I sigh.

"Let me pick out an outfit for you," she walks up to the closet.

She picks out my beige, body suit, with my ripped, white, jeans, with an olive green cardigan. For the shoes, she gave me her pair of black, cut out, heels.

She decided to do my makeup, which was an all neutral look, and hair, which she straightened and let down.

I thanked her and walked out of the room to see Mali and Calum, practically, biting their nails off.

Calum was wearing a Vans Off The Wall™ shirt, with black, ripped, jeans, and a gray, beanie.

"Let's go?" He asks me.

I nod and Mali and I follow him to the car.

Mali offers to drive, while Calum and I sit in the back.

"I'm nervous," Calum whispers.

"Me too," I smile.

"I don't want to be nervous. It's not a big deal," he bounces his leg up and down.

"It is! You're meeting the people who actually made you," I tell him.

"And gave me up," he added.

"I'm not arguing about this again," I sigh.

We pull up to a driveway, with a red painted house in front of us.

We were so silent, you could hear air drop.

Finally, we all grew some balls and got out of the car. Calum and I follow Mali to the door that she knocks on.

We were welcomed by the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. I was very familiar with that scent.

A man shows up, who I was guessing was the Father, "Yes?"

Calum steps forward, "I'm Calum. This is Mali, and we're your kids. And this is my girlfriend."

"Joy!" The man screams.

A woman comes up to the door with a cigarette in her fingers, "Oh. They're here."

She didn't sound like she did on the phone.

They were hesitant, but let us in.

We sat down on a raggedy, ripped couch.

"We know you have questions, so just ask," Joy says.

"Can I have a cigarette?" Calum asks.

I could tell he was trying to be tough and act like he didn't care.

"I don't share with children," the man, named David, scoffs.

"What do you know about children? You gave away your only two," Calum retaliates.

"Foster care really turned you into a gentleman," Joy, sarcastically, says.

"You wouldn't know. They were better than the two scumbags that didn't know how to use protection."

I lightly slapped him, making him stop.

"Why is she here?" David asks, looking at me.

"I'm here to support Calum and Mali," I say.

"What an angel," Joy rolls her eyes.

"Ah a difference between you and me," I smile.

"Wow your mouths are pretty big," Joy says to Calum and I.

"Just like yours, but we know why," Calum laughs.

"Why did you guys put us up for adoption?" Mali blurts.

"Well you see," Joy sits up, "Mali, we were pretty young when we had you and we couldn't take care of you, and you'd be no use to us. We didn't need you, and we didn't want you. Calum, you were the biggest mistake. We had Mali and having you made us realize we didn't want kids. Calum, you were the devil, and I couldn't hate you enough. You guys were just two mistakes that we did not want to take care of."

Tears start trickling dow Mali's cheek.

"Don't cry. Maybe you'll find someone who actually loves you," David says, rudely.

Mali storms out, not wanting to hear another word from them.

"What is wrong with you guys?" I ask.

"Shut your whore mouth up," Joy says.

"I'm the whore? Okay," I scoff, "At least, I know what a condom is and when enough is enough."

"Do you want to start this, young lady?" She tries to get tough.

"Start what? A fight? Your lungs are so shitty, you're running out of breath by sitting down! You can't do anything to me, but believe that you're hurting my feelings. God, I'm so happy these two amazing kids didn't grow up with you guys. You're such assholes, and I hope you rot in hell."

"We'll reserve a seat for you there," David smirks.

Calum raises his fist and collides it with David's jaw.

David was in complete shock.

"You guys are just some stupid kids that nobody loves," David starts, and looks at Calum before saying, "Joy should've had the abortion."

This caused Calum to hit David, again, and storm out.

"I can't believe your kids grew up before you guys did," I roll my eyes, before leaving.

The car ride home was silent. Nobody knew what to say.

Mali and Calum got out of the car, while I decided to go get some coffee, with Lexi.

I enter Starbucks, and see Lexi waiting.

She hands me my coffee, "Here's your latte."

"Thank you," I give her a quick smile.

"How'd it go?" She asks.

I take a sip of my latte, "Horrible. They were such assholes. All they did was smoke and tell Calum and Mali how much they hated them."

"Aw. I'm sorry," she sighs.

"Me too."



thank you to anyone reading 💗

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