"I see...well thanks ". You said.

"My lady-

"Whitney..just call me (y/n)". You smiled at her.

"Oh..um.:(y/n)..I'll help you get dress". Whitney said.

"Um..sure?". You said.

"Meow~!". Valentine rub herself on you  leg  trying to get your attention.

"Aw~". You pick her up and petted her.

Time skip ~ brought to you by Austin who is being a perv to Gerald~

Whitney help you get dress.
"All done (y/n)". She said.

You look at your reflection on the mirror which was large and saw yourself.

"Wow..I look...weird". You giggled .

"Hehehe no (y/n) you look beautiful ". Whitney said.

"Oh shut up you~". You blush.

"Wow ..I got to be honest...Jason have some good taste in fashion". You said.

Whitney only smiled , then there was a knock on the door.

"(Y/n) are you done?". It was Ethan that said that.

"Yes, you can come in". You said.

Ethan came in and saw you , he blush as he saw you and was speechless.

"Um..(y/n)..you look beautiful ". Ethan smiled at you.

"Hahaha thanks!". You smiled.

"Ethan...can you please tell me where is Gerald?". You said.

"...I don't actually know where he is". Ethan said.

"I know ". Whitney said.

Whitney look at you and said.
"His in Austin's room". Whitney said.
"Can you show him to me?". You said.
Whitney nod .

After minutes of walking finally Whitney stops at a door .

"Austin was out in school". Whitney said.

"Wait he goes to school?". You said.

"Yes". Ethan said.

Whitney gets a key inside her pocket and opened the door.
"Gerald?". You said.

You three went in and saw a sleeping Gerald on the bed.

"Gerald!". You smiled happily that he is safe.

Gerald's eyes opened and saw you.
"(Y/n)". He seat up and smiled .

You hug him. "I'm glad your safe!". You said.

"I'm glad you are too". Gerald's smiles disappears it was replace with a sad one.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry..I'm sorry for everything I done!". Gerald started crying.

"What? Gerald don't cry!". You said patting his back.

Gerald buried his face on his hands as he sobs.
"It's all my fault! I'm sorry". Gerald said.

"WhY? What are you sorry about?". You said.

Gerald raise his head looking at you with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry...I didn't tell you from the beginning that Jason was your stalker ...I knew I should have told you...but he said..if I tell you Jasmine will die". Gerald said .

"He threatens me if I get myself too close to you ...and..I'm the one who killed Crystal!". Gerald started crying again.

"What!?....Gerald..". You said.

"I'm sorry...it's all my fault...I know you hate me and want to kill me..we'll go ahead". Gerald said.

Gerald waited for you to hit him...but nothing came but a hug.

"Huh!?". Gerald look surprised when you hug him.

"No...Gerald it wang your fault...it's Jason..you are just forced to do it..so don't blame yourself please". You said.

"But!". You hush Gerald when he said that.
"Stop blaming yourself , it's not your fault". You said.

"But Jasmine ....she died..because of me". Gerald said.

"NO! Don't believe that our friends are dead! They're not!". You said.

"Be determined that they are still alive..stop thinking negative and think positive!". You said.

"Your right...I should think positive ". Gerald begin to smile.

"That's the spirit!". You said.

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