"No, I am not." I said as I was burping Mya. "Don't try to play me."

"I ain't." She said.

After setting up my phone and paying so I can receive calls from Jigz I came over to Ms. Angie's house.

"Mommy, can I please have some cereal?" Chance asked coming downstairs.

"Chance, I said no already. You had some for breakfast. I'm about to make something for lunch and no not cereal."

"But mommmmyyyy." He dragged out.

"Do you want me to make you some chicken tenders or not?" Ms. Angie asks him as he hugs her.

"Yeah." He grumbled.

"You see ya godsister?" Ms. Angie asked him.

"Yeah." He grumbled again.

"He mad about that cereal. Otherwise he'd be all in her face." I said

"Hey Charles." I said when he came downstairs.

"What's up, Tink?" He said before going over to kiss Ms. Angie.

"Aw look at y'all family of four." I said smiling at them and Mya.

"Girl, bye." Ms. Angie said. "I'm coo with just these two."

"Just these four. Don't forget me and Mya." I said and she just flagged me off.

I grabbed my phone when it rang seeing it was Jigz.

I looked at Ms. Angie about to ask her does she have Mya, but she was already telling me to go head.

So I headed upstairs to the guest room as I answered the phone.

"I love you." He said right away.

I paused, "You don't gotta say it back. I just wanna make sure you know." He said.

"Did you lie to me?" I asked.

"What?" He asked.

"Did you fuckin lie to me, Jayon?"

"Lie to you about what, Ivy?"

"You told me you were going to a meeting with your counselor and the program heads. Did you lie?"

"What the fuck? I didn't fuckin lie to you, Ivy. Don't gotta lie to you. I did go meet with them. You can call my counselor, you know I got it signed where she can tell you any and everything. Call her if you don't believe me, Ivy."

I didn't say anything because I believed him.

"You know what happens in these streets tho don't act surprised." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Don't be an ass. If you would have listened to your best friend and had came back to me instead that night we wouldn't be dealing with this." I said.

He paused this time before saying, "True."

We were both quiet on the phone for a couple minutes.

"You not gonna say anything?" Jigz asked after awhile.

"What am I suppose to say?" I ask.

"I don't know. Tell me that you miss my dick already."

"Yeah," I chuckled rolling my eyes. "Dick that is now in jail."

"Does this change anything?"

"I don't know Jigz, does it?"

"Not on my part. We were suppose to have a conversation about our relationship that I hope we still have."

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